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Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

One of the intriguing things about contemporary America is the vicious and unrelenting attacks on Joe Biden by the media in recent months. Clearly, his free ride is over. The constant gaffes, concerns about his mental state and his upcoming 80th birthday are all subject to a strong level of attacks in the media. The way they depict this is as evidence they are unbiased, but is there something more to it?

The 25th Amendment to the US Constitution has several aspects to it. It outlines the line of succession to the US Presidency; it sets out how to fill a Vice Presidential vacancy; it outlines the remedy for a President’s inability to undertake his duties.

The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution clarifies how long a person can serve as US President – including a certain loophole. If a Vice President succeeds to the Presidency, and there is less than two years remaining in the (former) President’s term, that new President can serve out the remaining term and have two full terms of their own.

If you put all these things together, the attacks on Joe Biden are not quite what they seem.

In short folks; at 12:01 am on January 21st 2023 (barely six months from now) Kamala Harris can become President and serve for an entire decade (minus 1 minute). All they need to do is 25th Amendment Biden on that day by having his Cabinet declare that he’s gaga and, Bingo! a coup!

The problem with left-wingers in American politics is that all the female Democrat politicians are thoroughly odious, unlikeable, nasty pieces of work – without exception – and so the chances of a Democrat female getting elected the first woman President are zero (as 2016 proved beyond doubt). To have a conservative Republican woman as the first President undermines the entire feminazi narrative and basically destroys the “Women’s Movement”, and that will never do, ‘comrade-ettes’.

It is my long-held view that Biden was always a patsy and that there was always an intention to install a woman into the Oval Office.

Harris has proved what everyone who actually knows her has been saying for half a century: she’s a drunken fool who is completely out of her depth. The sort of person nobody ever misses when she’s not around.

As such there was always the possible scenario of VP Harris being removed, with most people saying “Good riddance” as she’s completely discredited, and the next in line taking over: Nancy Pelosi.

I quite understand this is real “House Of Cards” stuff but always seemed a possibility until the collapse in Democrat support and the almost certain Republican takeover at the forthcoming midterm elections.

Why do you think the ‘Laptop-that-never-was’ now apparently exists? Why do you think it’s media hunting season on Hunter Biden (no pun intended)? Why do you think all the ‘usual suspects’ are endlessly reinforcing that Biden’s about to turn 80? It is all done to create doubt, to make January 21st more palatable when it happens.

When you cheer on the constant denigration of Joe Biden you may want to be careful what you wish for – it’s yet another con. An opportunity to discredit him to make the 25th Amendment coup all the more seamless.
