Even after the cover-up has been blown, large swathes of the media are still lying and trying to minimise the Muslim child-rape-gang scandal in the UK. (Let’s call it what it is: ‘grooming gang’ is such an anodyne term in itself.) Partly, one suspects, through shame at their own role, partly because they’re still terrified of being seen as ‘racist’ and also because they just hate the men most responsible for pushing the crimes and cover ups into the open.
Those men are an ordinary Briton, Tommy Robinson, and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk.
It began on New Year’s Eve. Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X, logged onto the platform and began posting for the first time about so-called British-Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK.
Within days, he’d whipped up an international firestorm of rage and fury against the British government, the prime minister and the mainstream media.
A firestorm they all richly deserve. The mainstream media are especially embarrassed at being exposed and livid that Musk has done, with a couple of tweets, what they refused to do for over a decade. So, naturally, they’re lying through their teeth.
In a series of vitriolic posts to his 211 million followers, the tech mogul has falsely accused Sir Keir Starmer and other Labour MPs of enabling Britain’s grooming gangs. The term refers to a decade-old scandal involving a series of child sex abuse cases in which thousands of girls were assaulted and raped by gangs of men in several towns and cities.
Falsely? That’s a matter of subjective opinion. Starmer was the UK chief prosecutor during a period when allegations of mass pack rape of underage white girls by Pakistani Muslim men were still being too-often swept under the carpet by police and prosecutors. Other Labour MPs, especially those with large Muslim constituencies are known to be complicit.
The lies and deceptions aren’t done yet. Far from it.
Musk’s posts included multiple inaccuracies and treated a widely covered issue as if it had never been mentioned.

“Widely covered”, my arse. As this graph shows, the UK media all-but buried the horror show under a tsunami of lefty bullshit. The UK media were 500 per cent more likely to babble about ‘Islamophobia’ than Muslims pack raping non-Muslim girls. They were 4,900 per cent more likely to screech about the ‘far-right’: meaning the likes of Tommy Robinson, who has dedicated his life, at tremendous personal cost, to expose what the media were trying to keep hidden.
Despite the undeniable racist motive of the child rapers, the British media were obsessed with smearing white Britons as ‘racists’.
Even the outlets that broke the story and pushed it, such as the Times, were six times more obsessed with the death of a black American criminal drug addict than the pack rape of thousands of British girls. As for the uber-‘progressive’ Guardian, they couldn’t have buried the story deeper if they tried: they were 30 times more likely to bellow about ‘Islamophobia’ (3,325 mentions) than even whisper about Islamic child-rape (just 113 mentions).
Musk, the world’s richest man and key confidant of US President-elect Donald Trump, has claimed on X that “hundreds of thousands” of “little British girls” were targeted for gang rape and murder. A 2014 report into abuse in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham, led by Professor Alexis Jay, conservatively estimated that 1400 children had been targeted between 1997 and 2013. Some of them were as young as 11.
So, the Age hides behind a report over a decade old, instead of admitting that Trump and Musk were accurately referring to more recent conservative estimates of upwards of 250,000 little girls pack-raped, tortured and sometimes murdered by well-organised gangs of Muslim men. Some of the victims testify that they were raped more than 1,000 times each.
No media cover-up of Muslim enormities is complete without the incessant shrieking of ‘far-right’!
Musk […] called Starmer “TwoTierKeir”, a reference to the view in some quarters that the far-right was policed differently […] Musk’s interest has also stemmed from his obsession with far-right agitator Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, who is currently in prison for contempt of court.
Far-right! Far-right! These duplicitous ninnies really can’t stop themselves screeching like the brainless budgies they are.
Just like they can’t stop themselves bootlicking and lying for the worst people in the world. Because they’re some of them.