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A Key Government Unlike the John One

John Key

First, let me explain the headline of the article. This is a key government in the sense that it is key, indeed holds the keys, to implementing policies that will unlock the country from the straitjacket the previous government has put it in. We elected a government to advance this country in the direction of personal and business achievement and increased productivity to bring prosperity to all. We voted for a government that will promote opportunities and openness rather than compulsion and coercion. But it won’t be the John Key model: far from it.

Massive credit is due to Christopher Luxon for what was revealed last Friday. Bringing together a three-headed government monster was never going to be easy. What we got on Friday was the result of having a man at the helm who masterfully used his negotiating skills to achieve what many thought was near to impossible. Many, including commenters on The BFD, would have been surprised at what they heard, particularly in regard to what is on the chopping block. Most of what Luxon said would go under his government is indeed going.

This is the big difference between Luxon and Key. Whereas Key was reluctant to move on repealing virtually any of Labour’s policies, there is no way that accusation can be levelled at Luxon.

He has pretty much gone for the jugular, which is exactly what we voted for. If his government performs as well as he has in the negotiations then there is a distinct possibility of a bright future ahead. The bright future will not be tomorrow; Nicola Willis has already said that undisclosed matters have been discovered.

Labour’s idiotic rhetoric that Peters and Seymour would run rings around Luxon has been exposed for what it is – nothing more than wishful thinking. Just because Winston was able to run rings around them, the fact is this time he was dealing with people of a higher intellect. After six years of government by people resembling a bunch of adolescents that is not surprising. It is obvious all three came to the negotiating table knowing concessions would have to be made. It is apparent that Luxon managed this in such a way that he gave away the least.

The first three years are going to be a long hard slog. There is much to be done and undone. The fact that the three parties have common ground in all major areas will make the process somewhat easier. The ministerial posts handed out appear to have the right people in the right portfolios. They are, to a person, far more competent than the departing bunch of ideologues. We can expect a return to normality in most areas of government. This points to a reason why, in the post-war years, New Zealand has been more comfortable with a centre-right administration.

Chris Hipkins says the new government will take New Zealand backwards. He would, wouldn’t he? He’s an expert on the topic, having spent the last six years doing just that. The economy National has inherited, as usual, matches the colours of the outgoing governing party. We are no doubt about to find out that Grant Robertson was as much a threat to the economy as David Seymour said he was to Lamingtons. I imagine Nicola Willis will be neither surprised nor impressed at what is discovered. The upcoming mini budget will be very revealing as to just how bad things are.

They have three years to make an impact. Progress must be made urgently in areas such as the economy to improve the cost of living situation, health, education, housing, law and order, infrastructure and welfare. That is a big ask but I would suggest Ministers in those portfolios are up for the tasks ahead of them. They are projecting a ‘know how/can do’ attitude which instils a level of confidence absent during the term of the previous government.

The forming of the government involved a level of maturity that those in Labour would have been incapable of. As Heather du Plessis Allan said in her weekend newspaper article, there is enough in the coalition agreement to keep everyone happy. I have no doubt that was Luxon’s aim and he has achieved it in no small measure. The diverse backgrounds of those in the incoming government (this is where “diverse” matters) will stand it in good stead.

As Paul Marsden pointed out on Backchat on Sunday night, what we saw last Friday was the powerful image of two Maori boys made good working with a pakeha bloke to bring this country back together again and not a rangatira flag in sight. Spot on! This was followed by an equally good comment from KatB that all of them were there on merit and not some diversity hire. Spot on again! We have every reason to believe, that with Luxon at the helm, positive things are about to happen.

Gone by Christmas are the following:

  • The RMA co-governance reforms
  • The Three Waters co-governance reforms
  • The Maori Health Authority
  • Fair Pay Agreements
  • Let’s Get Wellington Moving
  • Auckland Light Rail
  • Oil and Gas Exploration Ban

I am picking that some policies, such as infrastructure and housing, will get a more business-like approach, whereas some social legislation will be introduced with a greater emphasis on goals being put in place and achieved.

This government wants to, and will, get things done. They deserve our support in their endeavours.
