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A Labour Government of 65 Non Achievers

Labour government. Labour party MPs 2021

We are approximately three months into the second term of a Labour Government and already their list of non-achievements is mounting up. They are showing themselves up to be what they are, a group who are very good at doing the talking but pretty abysmal at doing the walking.

There is a case that can be made that this is a new government but in reality that doesn’t hold a lot of water. It is the same bunch of no-hopers with the addition of some more useless add-ons. All they had to do was pick up where they left off. Of course, as we all know, there was precious little to pick up.

The same bunch of no-hopers with the addition of a some more useless add-ons.

Some of the headlines from just the past month make interesting reading. The year started with a riot at Waikeria Prison. In this case the government decided not to even talk let alone walk. Their answer was to just let their core voters burn the prison to the ground. Frankly, I’d be embarrassed to have those types as part of my core voter base. Jacinda, though, kept her smiley face, ladling out hokey pokey ice cream on the Coromandel. This is the lady who, prior to the holidays, said her mobile apparatus would be permanently attached to her anatomy in case of a crisis. They’re easy to lose I guess.

Newshub released a timeline showing it took 65 days to close the border. How many times have we been fed the lie that they went hard and early? Well, ad nauseam actually.

The NZ Herald released some interesting data around the free fees policy. The summary showed it resulted in fewer students overall, more students failing, fewer students from poor areas and fewer students attending polytechnics or wananga.

An OECD report found we top the list of OECD for unaffordable housing. What is this Government’s answer? Bring in law changes affecting landlords that will push up rents and revert to a policy of building state houses similar to that of the Labour Government of the 1930s.


Jacinda’s serving of ice creams must have been the sweetener required for her announcement that the borders would most probably be closed for all of this year. She certainly went hard and early with that one! Where does that leave her talk of travel bubbles with Australia and the Cook Islands?

We also learned from Stuff that the Government did no cost-benefit analysis when its final stage Cabinet paper was drawn up last year. This is a $10 billion dollar project. They were voting on who to get to carry out the project without even a business case! As we have since learned, it’s too complex a project to undertake without international expertise.

More bad news for the government came from the NZ Herald in an article accusing them of lying about Police numbers. Without going into detail, this is using numbers concerning new recruits and twisting them to suit your narrative in order to prove a point. By doing this they are lying and they know it. But hey, why stop a habit that saw a landslide result at the ballot box?

Treasury has given advice that they’re not sure exactly how much the government is spending on third-party social services. According to Stuff Treasury estimates about $7.8 billion or seven per cent is spent in this area. But like light rail, the Government hasn’t any idea if we are getting value for money.

What this all means is voters in this country need to wake up. We are being governed by a bunch of numpties who either don’t understand the importance of economics or who are just plain ignorant of it. This is the same government who achieved nothing in their first term and with the second term just starting it is obvious things are going the same way. Without wishing to insult Dean Barker, watching him and his boat perform reminded me of this government. The difference was that the helming of the boat was not altogether Dean’s fault: there were mechanical problems, whereas the government’s disasters are entirely of their own making.

One could be forgiven for thinking that the handbrake, in the form of Winston Peters, was still there. The truth is that there are 65 non-achievers sitting in Wellington unable to govern because, in all honesty, it is beyond them. They have neither the ability or the know-how. The appalling reality of this is that these people are picking up huge pay cheques each week at our expense for doing a job that is beyond their abilities.

To quote Nigel Farage in a speech to the European Parliament

“ I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives, or worked in business, or worked in trade or indeed ever created a job.”

That to me pretty much sums up this Government.

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