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The Ardern regime has said that they aren’t looking at utilising lockdowns anymore, but when you examine the evidence before you what we are experiencing is a lockdown but they just aren’t calling it that.

Remember “two jabs for summer”, the traffic light system gives you freedom, get vaccinated so you can travel, and a multitude of other smarmy slogans?

That’s all they were, slogans.

This regime is playing a cruel shell game with you as you desperately follow the shells to try and discover your freedoms, only to find that the regime changes up the shell game as you are playing so you can never win.

Like the shell games of old, it is actually a scam, a fraud, a confidence trick, and you all fell for it.

This shell game the regime is playing is ultimately cruel.

It is cruel on individuals who stupidly believed that the vaccines would mean they wouldn’t catch or pass on the virus.

It is cruel on event organisers who believed that vaccines, orange lights, outdoor events and vaccine passes would mean that everyone was protected.

It is cruel on business owners who complied with the draconian two-tier rules dividing society, and now find themselves locations of interest and their customers disappearing despite enforcing divisive policies.

It is cruel on workers who were forced to be jabbed under mandates but now find themselves locked out of work for 24 days and under house arrest.

It is cruel on family members who also find themselves under house arrest because a family member who was fully vaccinated has contracted the virus they were told they would be protected from.

It is cruel on businesses who are under strain anyway now having to deal with chronic absenteeism as a result of draconian lockdown policies locking up their workers for 24 days.

All for a variant that the Ministry of Health says you treat with paracetamol and cough lollies.

The number of cases is increasing fast. That is why the tyrant is saying boost, boost, boost because she hasn’t any other plan. She is scared she is losing control.

The regime’s policies are going to backfire on them. If you test positive you now get locked up in your own home for 24 days, along with the rest of your family.

The very worst thing that you can do right now is get tested. The second worst thing you can do is keep on using the tracer app.

Both of those actions will see the regime’s jackbooted enforcers come after you to make sure you get locked down too.

The regime is cruel because they say there are no lockdowns, yet that is exactly what we have, one worker and one family at a time.

If you get tested you’ll be locked down. If you scan in and were at a location of interest, you’ll get locked down or at the very least harassed by some regime official who got your details from the supposedly private system.

You don’t think the Rapid Antigen Testing fiasco was a simple case of incompetence do you? It wasn’t, it was by design. It was by design because it has never been about health, it’s about power and control. The regime doesn’t trust people to stay at home and test themselves. They want to lock you up for 24 days, but they can only do that if they control the testing. That’s why the Ministry of Health intervened. They want to control your every waking moment and they get control by ensuring you can only gets tested at approved sites, and then when you are in the system they’ve got you.

Don’t scan in, don’t get tested, unless you are perfectly happy with Big Brother, or in the case of this regime, Big Sister, stalking and monitoring your every move. If you like being locked up then by all means go and get tested, you deserve everything that comes with giving control to an evil and uncaring regime.

The third worst thing you can do is get boosted or even start the whole vaccination treadmill. Not only are you exposing yourself to all that I’ve already mentioned, but you are also ensuring you become a ready target for this tricky virus that is now attacking the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated.

None of this is a conspiracy. Everywhere around the world has been here before and everywhere else around the world has failed to stop the spread of the virus. The vaccines certainly haven’t and won’t, that’s just another cruel joke that’s been played on you all. Masking hasn’t stopped the spread either, another cruel joke.

Wake up!

You’ve been scammed, just like in a shell game. The regime are just shabby confidence tricksters who promised you that the traffic light system would give you freedom. It hasn’t and it won’t.

Has it ever occurred to you that a red light actually means stop? That’s what they have done to the faltering economy, they’ve stopped it…again.

Out of Order. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

We are in a lockdown whether you like it or not. It is just called something different but make no mistake, it’s a lockdown.

You’ve been had, again. When will you learn?

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