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A Minute’s Silence for Senior Sergeant Fleming

Police across New Zealand will observe a minute’s silence at 1pm on Wednesday 15 January in honour of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, who was killed in Nelson in the early hours of New Year’s Day.

Photo by 𝓴𝓘𝓡𝓚 𝕝𝔸𝕀 / Unsplash


Lyn Fleming news

“The minute’s silence will mark 24 hours before Lyn is farewelled at a funeral service in Nelson with full Police honours,” said Commissioner Richard Chambers.

We have invited staff to pause and observe a minute’s silence wherever they are to remember the ultimate sacrifice of one of our own and reflect as we prepare to lay Lyn to rest.

Police Districts and Service Centres are encouraged to mark the occasion as appropriate to them, as their way of acknowledging the loss of a colleague.

All Police flags are currently flying at half-mast until Friday 17 January.

Livestream on Thursday

Senior Sergeant Fleming’s funeral service will be available to view from 12.50pm on Thursday 16 January via livestream on the New Zealand Police website (click on the orange banner on the home page; if you can’t see the banner, please refresh your page) and on the @NZPolice Facebook page. It will also be shared through the New Zealand Police Museum Facebook page and all district pages.

This article was originally published by the Daily Telegraph New Zealand.


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