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‘A Newspaper’ Trots Out a Ten Year OLD Story to Help Govt Sell Its Policy

The BFD.

We have all seen that the legacy media in NZ are particularly fond of the Ex-President of the International Socialist Youth and will bend over backwards to do what they can to help her stay in power.

This, of course, trickles down to supporting the brain farts of her minions when they come up with ever more silly proposals to foist upon the weary inhabitants of New Venezuela.

One of the latest diktats to come out is, of course, the most recent round of landlord bashing and the removal of property owners’ discretion as to who they might like to have living in their buildings.

No longer will you be able to make your own decision to give a crappy tenant the arse card, unless you are supported by one of the newly approved reasons for eviction.

As a landlord, of course you might think this is a bad idea, removing your autonomy and rights just so your minority Labour-led Government can show how much they hate people with enough gumption to try and get ahead in the world. And you would be right of course. Most people who own property prefer the right to make their own decisions about who they allow to tenant their property, so the Government are always on a bit of a hiding to nothing with these sort of things.

So it is particularly important that there is a compliant media to help get the propaganda out there, and Princess Jacinda’s loyal servants over at ‘A Newspaper’ are more than happy to go to bat for her.

Woman wins Tenancy Tribunal case against landlord after being evicted over outdoor bathtub

A Newspaper

Well I tell you, it is a good thing that said chip wrapper has a paywall leakier than a CoL caucus meeting as I was able to pop in to see what the story was, you know, so you don’t have to. It is a ‘premium’ story after all!

Avoid this type of garden art if you value your tenancy!

What I found was a ‘woe is me’ type of story about some poor ‘creative type’ who was given a 90-day-notice to vacate because she installed a d.i.y outdoor bathtub in the garden, but took the evil landlord to the tenancy tribunal where she was successful in having the notice to vacate thrown out.

It seems that ‘A Newspaper’ felt this story was particularly important to highlight the sort of nasty things those horrible landlords do to the poor long-suffering victims, sorry, I mean tenants.

As a piece of propaganda though, this article falls a little short. It seems that although our rainbow-haired artiste won that particular battle, she was immediately given a 42-day notice to vacate as the owner decided they needed to move into the property themselves, so her generous three months of notice suddenly became just six weeks. Talk about an own goal.

What blew my mind, however, was the realisation that all this apparently happened ten years ago! Really, is this the most up to date example of victimhood that they could come up with?

And why have such a misleading headline? Anybody reading it at first glance would think that this was something recent. Were they trying to make the story into something more relevant? Oh yeah, of course, it’s called ‘Click Bait’. It doesn’t matter that they show no integrity, as long as it sells their ‘Premium’ access.

I can’t wait for tomorrow’s paper. I understand there will be a major expose on a guy who got a speeding ticket fifteen years ago which will be a very timely reminder to you all to keep your speed down in the new 30 km/h streets in Auckland.


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The Collins St falcons are, like Japan’s Nara island where wild deer are strictly protected, an example of how the simplest human adaptations can help wildlife thrive in cities.

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