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Judges Are Going Soft on Violent Anti-Semites

Letting them off only encourages the bastards.

'Nothing to see here.' The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Australia’s anti-Semitism envoy is rightly outraged that the judiciary are going soft on anti-Semitic criminals. But should she be surprised?

In an extraordinary intervention after an explosion of anti-Semitic attacks on synagogues and family homes over the summer, envoy and Jewish leader Jillian Segal says [Anthony Albanese] and premiers must meet urgently to ensure tougher sentencing and more prosecutions for anti-Jewish hate crimes.

As if: these are their fellow lefties. Of course they’re going to let them off.

As I’ve written before, whatever we may think of it, the Long March through the Institutions is easily the most stunningly successful political strategies of the past century. We can only hope that the counter-revolution of commonsense sweeping the democratic world sustains itself. Because the Marxist takeover of Institutions has been so complete that even such ‘repressive state apparatus’ (to use the Long March Marxists’ own jargon) as police and military have been thoroughly white-anted.

The judiciary are even worse.

Consider when NZ judge Ema Aitken and her partner gatecrashed a private function and abused Winston Peters. Blame it on alcohol all they will, they clearly expected that such behaviour would be tolerated, in fact lauded, by their colleagues nearby. This is the Long March echo chamber in action.

The Long March white-anting of the judiciary is similarly responsible for the rise of woke activist judges. These unelected meddlers are taking it on themselves to peddle left-wing bullshit on everything from trannies to climate cultism.

And of course they’re ‘pro-Palestine’. So, when their fellow pallywankers run amok, the judges let them off, scot-free.

As the anti-Semitism crisis escalates at home, Ms Segal writes in the Australian that a lack of ­enforcement and judicial punishment had allowed it to “gather ­momentum”.

“Prosecutors and magistrates and judges need to understand that these are not isolated incidents but a growing campaign of intimidatory, aggravated anti-Semitism and these crimes must be viewed in that context when considering punishment,” Ms Segal writes.

“Even seemingly serious incidents that have been prosecuted, such as setting fire to a Jewish politician’s office or breaching security to protest on the roof of Parliament House, have gone unpunished, following judicial decisions to not even record a conviction.

“These are not ordinary graffiti incidents by naive offenders but incidents that feed off each other, gathering momentum with each declaration of effective impunity.”

Is anyone surprised? As everyone whose raised children knows, if you don’t swiftly crack down on bad toddler behaviour, it only escalates. The left are spoiled political toddlers and completely used to being rewarded for their appalling behaviour.

Indeed, the looney fringe of the climate cult are explicitly coached to keep their idiotic vandalism to a very specific threshold. Because they know that if they don’t trigger an automatically higher offence, sympathetic lefty judges will be absolutely sure to let them off without so much as a smack on the wrist.

As politicians talk of drawing up new offences, Segal rightly points out that there are plenty of existing laws to deal with these thugs, already. Judges simply aren’t enforcing them.

Clear lines, Ms Segal said, needed to be drawn to show that intimidatory and violent conduct was “not only unacceptable but ­illegal”. “At both state and federal levels, police taskforces must be sufficiently resourced to find the perpetrators of anti-Semitic offences, prosecutions must be initiated and judicial officers must understand what is at stake,” she said.

They probably do. They’re just so besotted with their ‘pro-Palestine’ garbage that they’re perfectly willing to throw Jewish Australians on the anti-Semitic bonfire.

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