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red and white traffic cone
Photo by bady abbas

Sir Bob Jones

Our biggest road works contractor Fulton Hogan are reportedly complaining about their inability to secure staff. Here’s how to solve their problem. Lift the percentage of current staff actually working from the present 5% to 10% and thereby double production.

The remaining 90% of roadside cell-phonists, alleged workers provide a ready pool to be drawn from should any actual workers be off sick or in jail or whatever.

Both Stuff and the NZ Herald ran investigatory features on this cone racket in the weekend.

There are 208 countries in the world. None are covered in cones, so why us? Furthermore, prior to Labour coming into office 5 years ago, this ludicrous situation never existed.

It’s fashionable to malign Muldoon’s name but for those such as me who knew him, we would agree it would never have happened under his watch. The current situation defies common sense and as the detailed Stuff investigation revealed, is simply a highly profitable exercise for both the manufacturers and Fulton Hogan.

While the Prime Minister swans about the world show-boating, it’s a splendid opportunity for David Seymour to announce as part of an incoming government, he’ll seek both an enquiry into how the current disgraceful cone situation arose and act to put a stop to it.

Blaming Health and Safety zealots is not enough. A proper Government would take steps to curb their powers.

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