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A Second Go At Making Kiwibuild Successful?


The government appears to be making a second attempt at trying to make Kiwibuild a success…Kiwibuild 2.0 if you will. They have announced a $1.4B housing and infrastructure spend in Auckland.

Goff said the government money alongside some hundreds of millions of dollars the council will invest specifically in the Auckland Housing Programme will enable the creation of a further 16,000 houses, with 6000 of those being much needed social housing.

He said the old state houses on large sections did their job well but they are now at the end of their lives.

“Aucklanders’ and the city’s needs have changed, and we are catering for that through enabling more apartments and terraced housing in compact, liveable communities,” Goff said.

NZ Herald

Mind you it is just an announcement. The chances of them actually building something are slim to non-existent. Labour couldn’t build a house in a room full of Lego.


They’ve promised big before. How has that worked out?

Labour’s promise of 100,000 affordable Kiwibuild houses was their most iconic 2017 policy. How are they doing, nearly halfway through their second term.

They promised that by now they would have built 24,000 houses. They have in fact delivered 1,304 which is 5.4% of what they promised – so they have underdelivered by 94.6%.

Overall they are only 1.3% of the way to the 100,000 they promised.


They’ve taken more than four years to build just 1,304 houses, and now they are promising to build 16,000 in five to 16 years. There is a greater chance that Megan Woods would leave a sausage roll on the table because she’s too full, than of them achieving those targets.

And, oh dear, this new promise is based on tearing down state houses and replacing them with mostly non-state houses.  But wait, wasn’t that totally disgusting when National did it?

But this time it’s all OK, for three reasons:

  1. “It’s OK when we do it”,
  2. “It will fail because we can’t actually do anything” and
  3. “It’s only taxpayer’s money we will be throwing down the toilet when it fails, as it most certainly will”.

Basically this policy means state houses are going to be replaced by crowded apartment slums. They should call this announcement KiwiSlum.

We know we can just ignore this promise, firstly, it is just an announcement and secondly, It came from Megan Woods, who has a record of just making stuff up.

Now I’m off to find that lonely sausage roll.

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