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Photo by Fredrik Ivansson. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

The conference theme was Regulation in a disrupted world: Challenges and Opportunities. A number of the speakers were from NZ, most representing the MCNZ (Medical Council of New Zealand).  Joan Simeon, the CEO of the MCNZ is also the Chair of IAMRA.  IAMRA is closely associated with the FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) in the US.

Although their vision is ‘that everyone around the world is treated and cared for by safe and competent doctors’, the aim of the organisation (IAMRA) appears to be to make sure doctors around the world are kept in check and aligned with government and international dictates, many of which require bowing at the altar of patented pharmaceutical medicine.

IAMRA appears to have been particularly authoritarian during the covid years, making sure doctors globally promoted the government response and promoted mass vaccination, including of those usually protected from experimental measures and novel technology – pregnant women and children.

And it is not just doctors they intend to keep in line.  According to their website the newest members of IAMRA are the Nursing Council of NZ and the NZ Medical Radiation Technologists Board.

A doctor from Australia (who has been suspended for not supporting the official covid narrative, as well as attempting to stand up for medical ethics, particularly informed consent), William Bay attended the conference.  At the end, he borrowed the microphone and gave a short speech to conference attendees.

Dr William Bay Takes the Microphone at IAMRA 2023

It is a speech they perhaps were not expecting.  Here is what he said:

“Hello. Excuse me my friend.  Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.  My name is the suspended doctor William Bay from Queensland, Australia.  I’d like to finish this conference today by letting you know that IAMRA is over.  There is no more regulation here.  You have betrayed the trust of all people around this world because you were not honest with us with the covid 19 vaccine.  You see, I’m an ethical doctor, not you, not the regulators, not IAMRA, not Heidi Otter.  We are the people, and we declare IAMRA 2023 over, in Jesus Christ’s name.  Amen.

We are not complying.  We will never comply. We believe in informed consent.  We believe in the right to freedom of speech, and YOU will be judged. You cannot save the government or AHPRA, but you can save yourselves.  Thank you.”

After he spoke to the audience and was escorted out of the session, he provided a bit more information about what went on in the room.  He said he got some positive feedback from some members of the audience who smiled at him or gave him a wave.

We are pleased to know that all those regulators from across the world heard his words.  He was not speaking as a single doctor.  He represents and spoke on behalf of an unknown but growing number of doctors from all around the world who have had enough of the takeover of medicine by vested interests.  These doctors understand there is an urgent need to reclaim medicine and take it back from the hands of the pharmaceutical industry.

NZDSOS says Thank You to Dr William Bay for speaking up.

Below is a list of the NZ presenters who attended the conference in Bali along with their topics.

Joan Simeon Chief Executive Officer MCNZ, Chair IAMRA

Keynote presentation: “Practitioner health and wellbeing and implications for regulators”

Panel discussion: “Medical regulators, governments, and workforce challenges and opportunities”

Facilitator for a number of Breakout Sessions

Closing Reflections and Announcement of IAMRA 2025 Conference Host

Jane Dancer – Manager Strategy and Policy MCNZ

Panel Discussion: “Climate change and planetary health – how should regulators respond?”

Breakout Session: “Do medical regulators have a role in addressing planetary health issues such as climate change?”

Breakout Session: “Improving understanding of cultural safety and health inequity for international medical graduates”

Dr Rachelle Love, MCNZ member, ENT Head and Neck surgeon, Ng?puhi and Te Arawa descent

Short Keynote: “How do regulators contribute to the elimination of racism?”

Dr Marie Bismark – Kapiti Coast psychiatrist, author of ‘Experiences of Health Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic: In Their Own Words’

Keynote presentation: “Practitioner health and wellbeing and implications for regulators.”

Harriet Goodhew – MCNZ

Breakout Session: “Sexual boundary notifications against doctors: an NZ perspective to interim action and risk-based decision making”

Simon Watt – Deputy Chair MCNZ

Breakout Session: “Approach to managing doctors who have health conditions that affect their practice”

Emma Kennedy – MCNZ

Breakout Session: “Performance assessment and educational programme outcomes in NZ – managing poorly performing practitioners”

Kiri Rikihana – Deputy Chief Executive Officer MCNZ

Breakout Session: “A regulator’s experience of embedding cultural safety”

Nisha Patel – MCNZ

Breakout Session: “Approach to registration of international medical graduates; other than by examination”

Mr Michael Pead – Pharmacy Council of NZ

Breakout Session: “Collaboration to help safer prescribing – critical work across regulators in disruptive times”
