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A Thousand-Year Night Falls on Europe’s Jews

The cancer of anti-Semitism is metastasising in “sophisticated” Europe. The BFD.

Somewhere in Hell, Hitler must be laughing. The EU has achieved what the Third Reich couldn’t: the virtual elimination of the Jews of Europe.

Pre-War, there were about 9.5 million Jews in Europe. After the Nazis, there were about 3.5 million left.

Today, that population has been reduced by two-thirds.

The cancer of anti-Semitism is metastasising in “sophisticated” Europe. The BFD.
The number of Jews in Europe, including Britain, Turkey and Russia, has fallen to a 1,000-year low, according to a new study conducted by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research in London published on Sunday.

According to the study, there are only 1.3 million people currently living in Europe who define themselves as Jews. This is the same number counted by famous Jewish traveler and scholar Benjamin of Tudela in 1170.

That population stayed fairly steady for the next half-century. A mass exodus took place after the fall of Communism, but that still left around two million Jews in Europe. What has happened?

Apart from [the post-Cold War] emigration, Jews have been leaving countries in western Europe, such as France. In 1970, France was home to 530,000 Jews, as opposed to only 449,000 today. A total of 51,455 French Jews moved to Israel, while others emigrated to Canada, largely in response to rising anti-Semitism in France.

The study also found that 40 percent of Germany’s 118,000 Jews are over 65, with only 10 percent of the country’s Jewish population under the age of 15—meaning that Germany’s Jewish population is beginning to disappear.

The institute’s study is based on data from the 2018 European Union census as well as in-depth research conducted by Jewish communities on the continent, and presents a less rosy picture of current-day Jewish life in Europe[…]Researchers from the Institute for Jewish Policy Research note “quiet” Jewish emigration from many European countries, both because of growing anti-Semitism and other reasons, including communities that collapse because of assimilation.

Rising anti-Semitism is a cancer blighting much of the world, but it’s been particularly acute in Europe. France has reported a 74% rise in anti-Semitic incidents. Britain’s second major party, Labour, went to the last election under a leader notorious for anti-Semitic ties. Jewish-British lawyer Mark Lewis fled the country in 2018, saying, “Europe in my view is finished…There is only one place for Jewish people to go”.

Who is responsible for the rising anti-Semitism? While leftist media like The Guardian mutter about “the far-right”, anti-Semitism in places like France and Belgium is clearly linked to those countries’ mass influx of Muslims. It was British Labour’s obsession with anti-Israel policies that, Mark Lewis says, permitted Jeremy Corbyn to turn over the rock of anti-Semitism. The anti-Semitic “BDS” movement is almost de rigueur for the modern left.

In 1970, there were 39,000 Jews living in Turkey, whereas only 14,600 Jews call Turkey home today. Of those, many are leaving in response to Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoGan’s policies.

In 1949, there were 50,000 Jews in Yemen, one of the oldest diaspora communities in the world. Today, there are 50. Prior to the 1979 Islamic revolution, there were 80,000 Jews in Iran. Today there are just 8,500. Across the Muslim world, the same grim pattern has been repeated.

Now, it’s Europe’s turn for night to fall on its Jews.

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