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A Tragic Loss to Science and Humanity

Image Credit: TruthwatchNZ

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science is deeply saddened to hear of the unexpected passing of Professor Arne Burkhardt. He was very well respected within our organisation and we have relied on his sound and profoundly telling research in a number of our write-ups.

As Dr Tess Lawrie stated, ‘his findings shocked the world’.

Professor Burkhardt, a German Pathologist and a courageous fighter for the truth about the gene therapy, which has been wrongly labelled a vaccination, died this week at the age of 79.

The renowned Reutlingen pathologist was one of the world’s most critical and reliable pathologists. His many years of professional experience made him a proven expert on the subject and his analysis of autopsies: Evidence for Jab Related Harm and Death shocked the world.

Professor Burkhardt was born in 1944 in Germany.  As a pathologist he had more than 40 years of diagnostic and teaching experience at the Universities of Hamburg, Bern, and Tübingen (a top-level research and teaching institute for more than 500 years).

He is the author of more than 150 original publications in international journals, and was actively engaged in autopsy studies of people dying after taking the Covid vaccine.

Few in his profession ever had the courage to analyse the tissues of those who had died shortly after vaccination and even fewer spoke out about it as courageously and powerfully as Professor Burkhardt.

Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang led a team of experts in their field to analyse autopsy specimens from two dozen people who had died after covid vaccination. They presented their preliminary results at three press conferences in September 2021, December 2021 and in March 2022. Swiss Policy Research referred to their findings in a previous review of vaccine injuries.

Using state-of-the-art immunohistological technology, they detected vaccine-induced spike protein in the endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels that was present at least four months after vaccination.

They also found that the spike protein triggered local inflammation and lymphocyte (immune cell) infiltration that caused endothelial damage (endotheliitis) in blood vessels of the heart, lungs, brain, spleen, liver and other organs.  Death and illnesses were due in some instances to aneurysms or rupture of the inflamed blood vessels.

The findings were profound and shocked the world before they were silenced in the majority of the scientific community.

In Dec 2021 he, along with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, called for a halt to vaccination programs due to the damage the vaccines were causing.

???????“We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death.

He presented his pathological findings at the World Council for Health meeting on 5 Feb 2022.

He spoke at the EU Parliamant in early May 2023 and briefly described some autopsy findings in over 75 cases of post vaccination death.

Dr Burkhardt never stopped speaking out about his findings. He never gave in to tyranny and won the respect of medical professionals and the general public the world over. He will be sorely missed, but his work and person will be forever imprinted on the right side of history.

World Council For Health Honour the Life of Professor Arne Burkhardt

Christof Plothe announced the passing of Professor Burkhardt at the Better Way Conference last weekend.

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