If you think politics is about unacknowledged influences misusing power, you’d be spot on, which makes me pessimistic about our political future.
Gone are the days of the altruistic politician with a heart of gold saying all the right things and attracting grassroots support because of their genuine, honest and hardworking characteristics. Even if you find such a rare naïve beast in politics today, they won’t survive long, as we saw during the 2023 election.
Jacinda Ardern empowered two distinctly different ideologies, both non-partisan groups after a bigger slice of the financial pie. They are the globalists and the tribalists, to whom political power is money in the bank.
Non-partisan NZ politics is a well-kept secret. Ask any average New Zealander who claims to be politically well informed, albeit within the constraints of mainstream media, who are the globalists and they will look at you askance. They haven’t a clue.
In 2019 the WEF signed a strategic partnership deal with the UN (and by inference the WHO) identifying “six areas of focus – financing the 2030 Agenda, climate change, health, digital cooperation, gender equality and empowerment of women, education and skills – to strengthen and broaden their combined impact by building on existing and new collaborations”.
When you consider how Covid weakened our national independence after kowtowing to globalist “experts” of dubious integrity and value, try extrapolating that disaster into the other areas the globalists have in their sights. It’s a prospect aided by politicians not committed to promoting national interests.
Whatever esoteric values motivated Christopher Luxon to enter politics, he is no match for the globalists who have trapped him like a fly in their web. No matter how noble his aspirations he is a useful idiot being led up the garden path.
How long will Luxon, an inexperienced political pawn doing what he’s told, last in politics? If and when his moral compass kicks in he still has to start acting in the best interests of New Zealanders.
Luxon has a lifeline, should he choose to use it, in his politically astute deputy but that opportunity is running out because on 31st May 2025 Winston hands over the Deputy PM role to David Seymour.
Why does Luxon support WEF policy when he doesn’t appear to be one of the influential politicians or influential wealthy invited to the annual World Economic Forum conferences in Davos? The answer is probably in Luxon’s political mentor, John Key, who attended the 2015 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in his capacity as New Zealand prime minister.
“Davos is an ideal platform to engage with key international influencers, on a wide range of issues of global importance, as well as to meet bilaterally with international counterparts,” says Mr Key.
Beehive release
Luxon promotes WEF globalist policy, notably their climate change agenda costing NZ billions, hamstringing farmers and snarling up city roads with bus, T2 and T3 lanes, speed bumps and bike lanes.
The WEF scored a win in the European Court of Human Rights on 9 April 2024 when the court ruled “climate inaction is a violation of human rights”. Someone should force Luxon to put his cards on the table and ask if he agrees with that decision.
Luxon is committed to reducing global greenhouse emissions and in Manila this week promised “NZ$41 million (US$25 million) in climate finance to the Asian Development Bank (ADB)-led Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM)”.
Key and Ardern would be proud but perpetuating the climate change scam funnels billions of dollars out of the NZ economy and into globalist hands.
“The ETM is a transformative initiative that uses public and private finance to accelerate the retirement and repurposing of fossil fuel plants and replace them with cleaner, renewable sources of energy,” says Mr Luxon. “Urgent action to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions is needed to get on track for 1.5°C and minimise the worst impacts of climate change.”
The other major political influence in New Zealand is the tribalist movement carving up the NZ economy and moving wealth into Maori coffers since 1975 when the Waitangi Tribunal was established.
“Te Pati Maori wishes to thank the outstanding contribution Jacinda Ardern has made to our country”, said Te Pati Maori Co-Leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.e will remember Jacinda Ardern for catapulting the voice of wahine and youth onto the world stage. Her fearlessness, courage and determination broke glass ceilings”, said Te Pati Maori Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi.
“Jacinda Ardern led our country through its darkest times; she did so with absolute dignity while managing to keep our country’s economic status in line with the most successful OECD countries in the world.
“Our country needed the grace of a wahine to lead us through this period of our history and she did so with the utmost humility and integrity. It is a sad day for politics where an outstanding leader has been driven from office for constant personalisation and vilification. Her whanau have withstood the ugliest attacks over the last two years with what we believe to be the most demeaning form of politics we have ever seen”, said Mrs Ngarewa-Packer.
The Waitangi Tribunal is the sacred cow of Maori elite, who were most unhappy when Shane Jones last week accused the Tribunal of overstepping its brief by asking Children’s Minister Karen Chhour to appear.
The Tribunal is a government advisory, not a law court, meaning criticism of the Tribunal does not breach the Cabinet Manual stipulating ministers must not criticise the judiciary. But Maori complained and Luxon listened, his opinion voiced by media intent on destroying the coalition.
Luxon said he would ensure both Seymour, and NZ First MP and minister Shane Jones, clearly received his message of concern about their critiques.
Speaking to reporters in Manila, Luxon said he hadn’t had the chance to speak to either minister.
But he said he wasn’t happy with their critiques of the tribunal when asked if he thought they could breach the Cabinet Manual.
”I haven’t had a chance to talk to them but that message will be underscored to them,” he said.
”Those remarks, I think are ill-considered. I think ministers need to exercise good judgement.”
Our future as a strong, financially independent nation in a political world skewed by outside political forces’ interests depends on the coalition Government holding it together long enough to correct the injustices of the Labour Government. Clearly, there’re some fairly large hurdles for Luxon to get over if he is to go the distance.