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In the 1960s the world was treated to a wonderful new situation comedy called Bewitched in which the lead character, Samantha, and the youngest, Tabitha, could make things just as they wished them to be by simply wiggling their respective noses.

The show was aired during the age of science, satellites and the Apollo Mission. Nobody was expected to take it seriously. It required the willing suspension of disbelief from the appearance of the opening credits, to become even remotely watchable. It was enormously popular, quaint and good-humoured. But nobody believed it.

Fast-forward fifty years and the age of science is disintegrating. There are those in the highest places of ‘learning’ that  believe things can be just as any individual wishes them to be; that just by the forces of magic, some of the heterogametics among us, carriers of mixed sex-chromosomes, can transform themselves into homogametics of the XX chromosomal variety, by even less than the minimal effort of wiggling their noses: they simply have to announce it is so. Abracadabra!

That such an impossibility is given credence is as much an indictment of academia as it is an affront to logic and common sense. Yet this magic is so, according to some, and must be believed. Any counter-argument counts as controversy, or worse, hatred. Those unwilling to accept this view are no longer permitted to express it; they are forced to suspend well-grounded disbelief under threat of violence.

Thus it came to pass on Wednesday evening that Massey ‘university’ announced:  “Cancellation of the [Feminist 2020] event … is the only way to eliminate the risk to health and safety and to ensure that the university would not be in breach of its health and safety obligations.”  It said “Massey University was committed to the values of academic  freedom, freedom of speech and expression. However, Feminism 2020 had created significant disruption to students, staff and the university’s operations.”

Welcome to academic rigour and the defence of science and free-expression 21st century style, the gutless capitulation of the hand-wringers to anti-science belligerents who, following this success, can only be expected to escalate their tantrums and threats.

Wiggle your nose as much as you like; our ‘betters’ will not grow the spine necessary to confront the delusional, embittered, heterogametic pseudo-women, even at the expense of real females.

What a farce; an absolute disgrace.


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