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According to a NEW Muslim Organisation NZ Has a White Supremacist Far-Right!

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It is always illuminating to read the blog posts of people with different points of view, so when I learned about the creation of a new Muslim lobby group Human Rights group I immediately visited their website to read one of their blog posts.

We have written before about the futility of a white supremacist goose chase here in New Zealand but believers, it appears, are still out there. The blog headline read:

The white supremacist far right – how we got here and what to do about it

I enjoy a good fairy story so I pulled up a chair and read more. What I read contained zero facts and the startling statement that an ” informal network” of white supremacists is ” primarily based in Auckland” and wait for it…came together as a network of “conservative Christians”.

A country-wide informal network of conspiracy theorists, anti-Islam bigots, fascists, and conservative Christians coalesced in 2018, though it is primarily based in Auckland. They are campaigning against Islam, non-white immigration, and the “liberal left”, and have held protests in support of “silenced” white supremacist figures (Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux, and Tommy Robinson) and in opposition to the UN Migration Pact.

Bear in mind that this organisation claim to be all about stopping racism and “Islamophobia’ and here they are making wild claims that conservative Christians are white supremacists, fascists and bigots! Opposing the liberal left also makes a person a white supremacist, and even worse they have lumped anyone who supports free speech in as well! How balanced do you think their reporting on their hate speech/crime database is going to be if they are making these kinds of wild accusations about people?

The fact that they have called Tommy Robinson, Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux white supremacists tells you all you need to know about how baseless and scurrilous their accusations are.
