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ACT Will Create a ‘Nation-Building Agency’

two people shaking hands
Photo by Cytonn Photography. The BFD.

Simon Court
ACT Infrastructure spokesperson

The ACT Party has today announced it will introduce a Public-Private Partnership Agency known as the ‘Nation-Building Agency’ (NBA).

The Nation-Building Agency will supercharge our investment into infrastructure, helping to build more, build faster, and at less cost to the taxpayer.

Too often, the Government treats taxpayers as an ATM without bothering to look for other ways to fund infrastructure.

The NBA would combine two agencies, the advisory focused Infrastructure Commission and the procurement focused Crown Infrastructure Partners New Zealand.

It would have the mandate to seek and secure private capital for new infrastructure projects to get things built.

Public Private Partnerships are used around the world but Labour is ideologically opposed to them. New Zealand needs to get smarter about how we upgrade our country’s desperately needed infrastructure.

Instead of waiting around for unsolicited offers, as the Government did with the failed light rail project, the NBA will be tasked to promote projects, track down investors, and deliver the necessary infrastructure New Zealanders need.

By using public-private partnerships, the Government can limit the cost and risk taken on by taxpayers.

The policy dovetails with ACT’s policy of 30-year partnerships between central government and each region of New Zealand. The NBA will be responsible for finding ways to fund and build infrastructure for each partnership

As a country, we deserve better. Kiwis want to have access to affordable housing, get to work on time, not have to sit in traffic when they’re taking their kids to sports games and be living their best and most fulfilling lives.

It’s time to put the control back into the hands of Kiwis with sensible solutions, giving hardworking taxpayers a break and with better, longer-lasting infrastructure.”

More details can be found here.

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