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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The BFD.

Swastikas have been spray-painted outside a Jewish place of worship in Wellington as well as outside several other places in the inner city. New Zealand’s Race Relations Commissioner had the following words to say in response to the anti-semitic attack.

The Race Relations Commissioner is calling on every New Zealander to reject the tactics and ideologies of hate groups after swastikas were spray-painted outside Temple Sinai in Wellington.
[…] Commissioner Meng Foon said he was appalled by these anti-Semitic acts of intimidation and vandalism.
“All New Zealanders have the right to hold and practice their religious beliefs free from the fear of danger. It is not right that worshipers of any faith should have to worry about their safety and security. I and my fellow Commissioners stand with the Jewish community.”
Foon urged anyone who saw or heard about similar acts to report them.[…]

The following actions have been taken by the Ardern-led government.

It comes as Israel this week hosts the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and international Holocaust Remembrance Day.
New Zealand’s absence from the event has been called disappointing by the New Zealand Jewish Council and labelled disgraceful by the Opposition.

NZ Herald

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