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New Zealanders are no longer able to hate the government. Or so it seems. You could get reported to the NZSIS (New Zealand Security Intelligence Service) or the police if someone hears you saying you detest this government. You feel strongly that this Labour Government is the worst New Zealand has ever experienced. Your family love Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and are not happy you did not listen to her and refused the Covid-19 vaccine. It has caused divisions in the family. Watch your back.

At the second counterterrorism hui, Rebecca Kitteridge, NZSIS Director General, asked friends and family members to report people like you, as you could be a radicalised terrorist. Ms Kitteridge urges people to keep an eye on worrying people as more recently there has been a sudden rise in anti-authority violent extremism. Recognise that people who do not do what the government says could be a threat, so report them to the authorities.

Dobbing in neighbours has been encouraged previously in NZ during the Covid-19 pandemic. Jacinda Ardern asked Kiwis not to speak to neighbours, even if we saw them in the supermarket. But at the same time New Zealanders were asked to watch their neighbours closely. If they broke her Covid-19 rules, Kiwis were to ring the police and nark on them. Kiwis were not allowed to check on a neighbour who lives alone to see if they were alright, or visit a dying relative in hospital, but curtains were twitching as Kiwis became suspicious of each other’s behaviour and the dob-in hotline was red hot with complaint calls.

Kitteridge, the spy chief, needs to know: Kiwis have good reasons to not like this Labour Government.

A new poll released by Stuff on 5 November shows more people are disappointed and angry with PM Ardern than in 2020. Public sentiment has moved. Thousands of New Zealanders are furious with Ardern.

The NZ spy service released new public guidelines, in a booklet Know the Signs, which incredibly contains 50 warnings to watch out for.

Chris Trotter puts it this way:

[…] No, she can’t. What prime minister in her right mind would ask her security chief to prepare a ‘How To Tell If Your Neighbour’s A Violent Extremist’ handbook? Dear God! Putting to one side the utterly appalling anti-democratic ramifications of the idea, why would a national security agency provide an actual or potential violent extremist with a helpful list of all the behavioural tells to avoid? How wise is it, do you think, to warn these characters what to keep hidden from their friends and family? Surely the PM can be made to see that putting out something like this only makes the bad guys’ work easier? […]

Hence, the boss’s instruction to write this bloody handbook. I’m supposed to go through all our own files, along with the relevant files of our allies, and identify all the tell-tale signs that someone’s undergone radicalisation and is on the verge of organising and/or engaging in an act of deadly violence. But, that’s not all. I’m also supposed to set up a special number for people to call if they suspect their next-door-neighbours are preparing to ram-raid their petunias. I’m going to suggest 0-800-STASI.

The Daily Blog

Most Kiwis cannot wait for this racially divisive Labour Government to be voted out of power. People will do anything in their power to expose Ardern’s deceitful and secretive policies by telling others about what they are up to. Many Kiwis will express their horror and anger on social media. Kitteridge warns that people like these need to be investigated. She warns there is trouble brewing when it’s become a ‘Them and Us’ mentality.

The Security Intelligence Service, the police and the Disinformation Project watchdogs will no doubt be delighted to get hold of names of people who, for example, ‘seem off’ or ‘do not like Ardern’s Covid measures’ or believe ‘her policies were infringing on their rights’.

Another directive to embolden tittle-tattlers will drive a further wedge between family and friends. There is too much division in this country already, with the threat of losing democracy as we know it. Kitteridge, who ironically displays a curl in the middle of her forehead, as the nursery rhyme goes, without taking it too far, seems to have come up with a really horrid idea. She is pouring more fuel on the fire to get people riled. Perhaps that’s the plan. She implies she wants us to like Ardern’s policies and measures or be in trouble with the law.

No wonder more people want to join groups of likeminded people on the popular BFD blog. The current poll says the hate goes on. Loving Ardern and speaking kindly about her socialist agenda is never going to happen for quite possibly millions of Kiwis. What category will they fit in?
