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Gloriavale’s overseeing shepherd is facing 27 charges of sexual offending spanning more than 23 years against 10 alleged victims.

Howard Temple, 83, faces multiple counts of committing an indecent act on a young person and of indecent assault. There are 10 female complainants, ranging in age from 9 to 20 at the time of the alleged offending.

He was given interim name suppression when he was charged in July, but did not reapply to keep his name secret during an appearance in the Greymouth District Court on Wednesday.

Temple pleaded not guilty and elected judge alone trial. He was remanded on bail to reappear in October. Outside court he declined to comment.

Court documents show the charges date from between 1998 and 2022. Twenty-two of the charges are representative, meaning multiple offences of the same type are alleged to have been committed in similar circumstances.


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