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Amnesty Sells Out to the Rainbow Bullies

So-called “human rights organisations” are deliberately suppressing the most fundamental human rights. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Amnesty International was once a respected human rights organisation. But, in keeping with O’Sullivan’s Law it’s become yet another foot-soldier in the Marxist Long March through the Institutions. The first clear sign of Amnesty’s surrender to the left was when it tied itself in rhetorical knots in order to defend the brutal Ba’athist regime of Saddam Hussein.

Now it’s thrown in its lots with the baying bigots of rainbow intolerance.

Amnesty’s new role as a persecutor of people who follow their conscience was confirmed when Colm O’Gorman, executive director of Amnesty International Ireland, put his organisation’s name to a neo-McCarthyite letter demanding the silencing of anyone who criticises the cult of transgenderism.

Transgenderism is not just any old cult. It should be recognised for what it is: the vanguard of neo-Marxist “Queer Theory”, which is “progressively” (pun intended) pushing Western civilisation down a slippery slope of degeneracy and into the abyss of a New Dark Age.

The letter spells it out: organisations that seek to ‘defend biology’ are by definition bigoted, it says. Defend biology. If you now accept the biological reality of male and female, that humans, like all mammals, are born a particular sex, then you are a hateful, despicable person who, in the words of the letter, should be ‘denied legitimate representation’ by politicians.

The leftist loons who shriek about “listen to the science” are in fact leading the charge to undermine the Enlightenment values that made the Scientific Revolution possible.

And so-called “human rights organisations” are deliberately suppressing the most fundamental human rights.

This chilling, authoritarian rant is expressly aimed at suppressing speech that Amnesty and the other signatories judge to be ‘bigoted’. It attacks ‘pseudo-feminists’ who push gender-critical thinking – that is, feminists who are uncomfortable with certain aspects of transgenderism, particularly when they impact on women’s sex-based rights and on women-only areas – and it denounces ‘newly launched organisations that seek to defend biology or fight gender identity’[…]

It says: ‘We… call for an end to giving airtime to their despicable brand of harassment.’ It goes further: ‘We call on media and politicians to no longer provide legitimate representation for those that share [these] bigoted beliefs.’ In short, we must destroy these people’s democratic right to political engagement and public expression. Feminists uncomfortable with biological males being placed in women’s prisons, lesbian campaigners sceptical of the idea that a man who identifies as a woman can be a lesbian – these vile bigots must be denied airtime, denied representation, and denied any presence whatsoever in the public sphere. Then, in a stunning display of doublethink, the letter says all of this must be done in the name of ‘diversity’, because ‘Ireland is better when it is diverse’. To call for the crushing of a certain way of thinking in the name of celebrating diversity takes Orwellian doublespeak to dizzying new heights[…]

Amnesty’s inclusion is deeply disturbing, because it means Amnesty has now publicly put its name to a document calling for people to be censored; for certain beliefs to be expunged from public life; for politicians to refuse to represent a section of society that dares to question the new gender orthodoxies. An organisation founded to assist people who are persecuted for following their conscience now openly insists that people should be persecuted for following their conscience.

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The barbarians are not just at the gates of enlightened civilisation, they’ve been handed the keys and a can of petrol and given permission to burn it all to the ground.

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