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An End of Showboating Action Called For

woman putting her hand on her lips
Photo by Danilo Alvesd. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The giant Merck pharmaceutical company has announced production of its covid “booster pill” which it has successfully tested.

It’s abundantly clear that boosters are critical, our Pfizer vaccines losing strength within six months.

While no doubt Covid Minister Hipkins will trot out our “head of the queue” ranking again, it’s notable Britain has already ordered 480,000.

Here’s a suggestion. Why not end Health Department boss Ashley Bloomfield’s totally unnecessary daily television showboating and instead have him get back to work and actually join the Merk booster pill purchase queue. Let’s avoid a repeat of the embarrassing fiasco we endured with the vaccine purchasing, a mismanagement so great as to put us among the ranks of the world’s most backward nations.

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