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Megan Woods, Minister for Pies and Cakes. The BFD

David Theobald

I find it increasingly difficult to navigate my days with a settled countenance. There are three main things that I have to actively push to the back of my mind in order to reach sunset with some remaining degree of peace – blind acceptance of the validity of man-made climate change, wokeness, and our country being run by muppets. There are others, but they are my top three. What I am going to do when the cricket season finishes, I know not.

There is an endless supply of examples of each of the main irritants every day. Take yesterday.

The UK Court of appeal has ruled that Heathrow cannot build a third runway because to do so is not adequately taking into consideration the government’s commitment to tackle the ‘climate crisis’. This means the Court of Appeal has said that the Paris Accord is binding which is a very dangerous precedent. The Government will not appeal this (chickens) because it is a private matter (Heathrow is an independent company) and Heathrow will take it to the Supreme Court. Good luck with that. Even after Lady Hale’s departure the UK Supreme Court has an appalling track record in the unbiased department and I made my views on this political body plain a few months ago.

Taking this ruling away from an airport, the decision effectively kneecaps government in all sorts of places. You elect a Government, it makes a decision, some people don’t like it and they protest, they take it to Court and win and the Government is rendered useless. Ihumatau anyone?

A black woman, again in the UK, had her passport photo rejected by the Artificial Intelligence that scans such images because it thought her mouth was open. It was suggested that she could adjust the lighting of the shot but Ms Offended decided that the problem was that the AI system was racist. This, of course has garnered hundreds (thousands, gazillions – who cares?) of ‘likes’ on social media which seems to run the world at present. I await the apology (and how many of those have we had recently? Lianne Dalziel apologising in Japan for the Christchurch earthquake springs readily to mind) and the Twitterati win again.

Laurence Fox was a breath of fresh air a couple of weeks back when he opined (on the BBC , no less) that the hounding of Meghan Markle was not racist. The sane world has a chance. Nope. Sgt. Hathaway has been beaten down by the Twitterati and has voluntarily suspended his Twitter account because he (genuinely, I assume) fears that he will not get work in sufficient volumes to feed his family. His union has campaigned to have him blacklisted from productions and Equity is a very powerful outfit.

Muppets with their hands on the levers of power; we don’t need to go overseas for the latest in a long line of examples here. You only have to see Megan Woods on Pravda One kitted out in a hard hat, hi viz vest and safety glasses and you know you are in for a couple of minutes of comedy gold. Transparency (and they are good at that, aren’t they) at filling stations will bring down petrol prices. Give me a break.

The BFD. Photoshopped image.


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The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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