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An Open Letter to Mr Incredible

Good morning Christopher.

I note your propensity to use the word ‘incredible’ at every opportunity that affords it, and many that don’t. You whip it out in describing even the very mundane, so much so that your words become hyperbole, and frankly: that’s not credible.

I heard you the other day on the wireless describing ‘your team’ as ‘incredible’. If that is the case then, a cynic may ask, why aren’t you wiping the floor of the blood of this terrible mob of plonkers called our present government, and why are you struggling?

It would help if you were more authentic; Mr Incredible. Further, you need to show yourself willing to counter the prevailing media/intelligentsia narrative. You need to be more bulldog, and less poodle. This doesn’t help; Christopher:

Because it’s untrue, and because, I suspect, you’ll say anything to seem agreeable, especially in the face of ‘gotcha’ ambushes from the media. You lose credibility with such appeasements, you become uncredible.

You could have said, ‘Look, in the face of devastating nature we first have to throw our entire weight behind easing the suffering of fellow New Zealanders and help get their lives back to normal. But for those who have lost family members, their homes, farms or livelihoods there will never be a ‘normal’ again. Such loss is irrevocable, and the cause of the deepest sadness. But to look for ‘blame’ is wrong. This is Nature in fury. We knew and were told last October, our chances of visitation from a cyclone of this very nature was elevated, brought about by cooler water in the Coral Sea. It’s cyclic, it’s happened before and we need to remind ourselves that an ex-Tropical Cyclone passes within 550 kilometres of new Zealand every single year. We need to prepare and be aware. But to claim this dreadful phenomenon is due to, or evidence of, ‘global warming’ is simply unfounded political posturing, and quite inappropriate at this sad time.’

You need to show you can keep your cool when jumped-up journos attempt to hold your feet to the fires of their pet themes. It’ll do your credibility much good, and right about now: you need it.
