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Tragically, a 14-year-old boy in Ireland died after getting the Covid vaccine. What gets me angry is that, even if you’re all for the vaccine, giving this kid the vaccine was both absolutely needless and a fundamental breach of basic human rights, whatever way you look at it.

A 14-year-old boy died three weeks after receiving his Covid vaccine, an inquest heard.

Coroner Pat O’Connor, of County Mayo, Ireland, described the death as a “significant public concern”.

Joseph McGinty was vaccinated with the Pfizer Covid-19 jab on August 20, 2021.

He died at home on Achill Island, Mayo, just over three weeks later on September 13, the Irish Mirror reports.

A request for safety information from Covid-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer is to form part of the “considerable investigation” to be conducted into the death.

[…] “The circumstances of Joseph McGinty’s death is that Covid vaccination was administered to him,” Mr O’Connor said.

“That there appears to have been either a reaction or a significant change in his medical circumstances following the administration of the vaccine and that subsequently, unfortunately, Master McGinty died.”

So, no, ‘it might have been the vaccine but it could have been something else’ then.

[…] The inquest requires “considerable investigation into the vaccine, the effects of the vaccine and also the effects of the vaccine on Master McGinty,” the coroner said.

Supporters of the vaccine will tell you that deaths from the vaccine are very rare. They will argue that the risk of dying from Covid is much greater than getting the vaccine.

OK, maybe it was a one in a million chance that a kid would die from the vaccine. But how many people 14 or younger have died from Covid? A lot less than one in a million would be my bet.

But anyway all this misses the point. For many people, getting the vaccine was not a choice so they weren’t able to decide for themselves whether getting it is worth the risk.

Given that at least at one time we were told the vaccine was “perfectly safe”, did the parents of this kid even know there was a risk of death, no matter how small? And if they had known, would have they still had their kid vaccinated?

There should never have been mandates dictating where you could go if you weren’t vaccinated. No one should have suffered losing their job if they refused the vaccine.

We should have all had the right to weigh up the risks for ourselves, including taking into account our own personal circumstances, without any negative consequences. That right was taken away from us.


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