Geoff Parker
Has Prime Minister Christopher Luxon just signed the National Party’s death warrant?
According to our unreliable, biased media: “The Prime Minister says he will refuse any demand from the ACT Party for a referendum on the Treaty Principles Bill after the next election – even if he needs ACT to form a Government.”
With the present mood of the country calling for a referendum on the Treaty Principles Bill (TPB) and Luxon’s utterances above, I now predict a huge swing to David Seymour and ACT. It could be a swing so large that National will no longer be the go-to party for sending the loony lefties to the opposition benches; in fact, with National’s current pro-Māori ideology they may as well join the lefties.
Mr Luxon, you and your team have betrayed your supporters: you were voted in to put a stop to Māori preference and restore one law for all and racial equality, which, contrary to your blinkered view, is the number one concern facing New Zealanders today.
Economies seem to fluctuate with or without help, but the Māori takeover is real and here for all time, unless a leader arises with the wherewithal to take race out of all legislation, abolish separatist Māori representation (both local and central) and disestablish the Waitangi Tribunal. More should be done as well, but that is a start.
This brings me to Winston Peters, who has in the past played the race card which appeals to the golden oldies who experienced New Zealand prior to 1970s with no racial division, no co-governance, no Māori special privileges and no endless shovelling of cash to the Māori elite. These oldies voted for Winnie. I sense that Winnie is now miffed that David Seymour has stolen his thunder with an articulate TPB campaign which has struck a chord with the New Zealand voters.
To counter that, Winnie is promoting the removal of the Treaty Principles from SOME legislation SOME time in the future – yes you read that correct. And while New Zealand waits for this to happen, the Māori sovereignty movement rolls on, on and on and in fact is gathering pace like a great brown snowball.
In my opinion, Winnie’s sidekick Shane Jones is another class act at hoodwinking the New Zealand public: he berates the activist Māori shenanigans in parliament which lulls those that oppose the Māori treaty twisting to think that yadda yadda Jones is pulling them into line; all the time Jonesie is shovelling money to the tribes as fast as he can, for all kinds of dubious projects. Flashing up maraes is an example when, in fact, these tribal racketeers should be using their own money (the benefits from questionable claim settlements).
Last week’s Ratana circus is a classic example of political BS, both sides of the ‘debate’ stand up in front of the loudspeaker and vent their spleen – mortal enemies one would think, but, no, when the sideshow is over there they are best of buddies scheming for the next taxpayer rort. The New Zealand voter will thank David Seymour at the next election for not to getting involved in this theatrical farce.
Seymour has read the room, Winnie is still promising and Woke Luxon is asleep at the helm.
God save New Zealand.
And National Is in Decline
Seymour has read the room, Winnie is still promising and Woke Luxon is asleep at the helm.
Don’t Forget the Visitors Have Votes
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright; New Zealand the majority’s possession.

Waitangi National Sick Day 2025 a Huge Success
We New Zealanders need to take a ‘SICK’ break to recover from this ‘Waitangi virus’, so please join the nationwide protest by calling in ‘sick’ on 7 February each year.
Tamaki Blasts Chippy in X Post
Closing his message with a final dig at Hipkins’ tenure as prime minister, Tamaki quipped: “Because right now, your burns are about as effective as your time as PM… short-lived, ineffective and forgettable.”