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The monstrous, bat-winged Satan of Dante’s Inferno. The BFD.

Harry Palmer

It’s a great puzzle, and I’m probably going to go to my grave not knowing how it happened.

What’s got me intrigued is how, ever since the 1960s, so many people have become so unquestioning of those elected to run the country for them and who, in theory, remain accountable to the voters.

What are we to do when our fellow countrymen/women become like nodding donkeys, happy enough to go along with anything the politicians instruct them to. Yes, politicians ‘instructing’ those to whom they are responsible to do this and that under the threat of punishment. And if a politician – like some mini dictator – accuses some unfortunate who objects to the carrying out these instructions, unjust laws and regulations, his followers are only too willing to join in calling the poor person a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Yah! Boo!

The recent loss of the submersible Titan visiting the wreck of the RMS Titanic brings an image to mind. Daylight penetrates the waters of the oceans to about 600 feet, whereas the ocean at its deepest is around 36,000 feet at the ‘Challenger Deep’ in the Mariana Trench. (The bottom of Challenger Deep is approximately three times the depth of the wreck of the Titanic.) Most of the world’s population lives in the first hundred or so feet of that daylight, intellectually speaking, whereas in the darkest depths below them swirl all sorts of weird and twisted monsters and psychopaths. That’s where, in the darkness, leading politicians and elites all lurk: scheming and conniving among themselves as to how best to further ensnare and enslave the unaware innocents above them. Divide and conquer, the classic technique for gaining control of a population, is their biggest weapon and they wield it ruthlessly, ably assisted by uncivil servants, who laugh all the way to the bank with the wages you pay them.

You can do your Yah! Boo!-ing in the comments below if you like.

I use the visual image of dark depths deliberately because of its intimation of the occult. Why else would old men, like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates, be travelling the world in their private jets harrying Schwab’s acolytes to speed the big reset further towards its final destination?

In September 2024, a couple of months before the next presidential election in America, the United Nations is to host a “Summit for the Future”. That’s some 14 months away, and the summit is expected to conclude with a “pact for the future”.

This “pact”, which will no doubt be welcomed by either Hipkins or Luxon (whoever ‘wins’ the forthcoming election), will require each UN member country to give “standing authority” to the Secretary General of the United Nations and this allows them to activate an “emergency platform” to tackle whatever might be labelled an emergency – another Covid, for example – and, in doing so, override the sovereignty of member countries and lock them down, ‘authorise’ forced vaccinations, etc. The pact would also ‘solidify’ other ‘agreements’, whatever they may be, that the members of the UN have come to in recent years.

When might I ask, have you ever been asked to approve any of these sorts of ‘agreements’?

So on top of the climate, electric cars, Ukrainian war, viruses etc, and the constant gnawing away at our civilisation by those who, for one example, have decided to make people of colour the top priority for medical treatment, we have both the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, which are totally unaccountable to you and me, pushing – and likely winning – almost complete sovereign power over their member nations.

Like that maiden tied to the rail tracks in old silent films, the ground is shaking and the huge locomotive is looming. Are you just gonna lie there?


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