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And Then There’s the Dark Underbelly

Harry Palmer

It’s been my observation that being born into modern suburban life can only lead to one unknowingly living a life of repression and thus ripe for manipulation, indeed, ‘brainwashing’. The pressure to conform to the norms, beliefs and behavior of those around you are overwhelming for most people that find themselves living in such circumstances, and they’re almost impossible to escape from even if the blinders are removed.

Mrs Thatcher became Prime Minister of the UK in 1979 and Arthur Scargill, leader of the coal miners union, got a very short shrift and eventually most coal mines were closed, though open cast continued to a limited degree. The ’80s also brought tremendous change and, as in New Zealand, many of the country’s assets, like power-generating plants and the railway, were sold off and the haggling in the aftermath spilled over into the ’90s. Then in 1997 Tony Blair was elected and later conspired with American President GW Bush to invade Iraq on the basis that Saddam Hussein possessed or was developing weapons of mass destruction, possibly nuclear. To me, this marked the laying of the foundation stone of the massive edifice of lies and deceit that now towers over us and grows by the day, bearing down on us all with its own crushing weight and the government behind.

I contend that simply complaining about ‘lying politicians’ and media and suggesting that they are mere puppets bent on doing the will of their ‘masters’ in supranational bodies like the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum, etc, though it may be true, is to let them off far too easily. Digging deeper beneath that façade, it’s evident that growing over the years in parallel with improvements in the culture and our quality of life, has been a ‘dark web’ of information that started long before the invention of the internet: information that has been drawn from a century or so of sometimes illegal experimentation. Western governments since early in the 20th century have always sought to gain advantage over foreign rivals and spies by getting them to reveal their secrets and they have been assisted in this endeavor by rogue doctors and psychologists using dubious drugs and techniques in order to build up a body of not just information for immediate use, like troop movements, but also torture, psychological techniques and drugs useful in bending the wills of individuals and populations to their will.

Take Edward Bernays for example (a nephew of Sigmund Freud). He was a ‘head worker’ (Public Relations Operator) of renown, who, in the 1920s, when women all over were demanding the vote, was employed by tobacco companies to try to get more women smoking cigarettes. He suggested calling them a ‘torch of freedom’. In one of his many books on the subject of ‘public relations’, “he described the masses as irrational and subject to herd instinct – and he outlined how skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psychoanalysis to control them in desired ways”. In 1954, he worked with the CIA to overthrow the legitimate government of Guatemala.

Or Saul Alinsky – a ‘community organiser’ – whose book Rules for Radicals is still used as a text book by the Democrat Party in America today: most often in use of the ‘rule’ to condemn the opposing party for apparently doing the exact same horrible things they themselves – the Democrats – are already doing. It’s called ‘projection’.

If governments carry out illegal and immoral experiments on innocent people that are only uncovered by accident, one must wonder just how widespread are such evil machinations as the CIA’s MK Ultra experiments, 1953–73, when various drugs were inflicted on people in order to see if they could be used extensively to obtain information. (YouTube)

The CIA was exposed as operating secret, unregulated, unsupervised “black sites” all over the world earlier this century. Supposedly potential enemy combatants were interrogated using one can only guess what drugs and techniques. There is evidence that the CIA originally started to use black sites in the 1950s.

A similar sort of experiment was carried out on vulnerable adults and children (1956–70) at the Willowbrook State School in New York, where they were fed the hepatitis virus in order for doctors to be able to observe and follow the path of the developing disease.

Then there was the Tuskegee Syphilis Study carried out by the United States Health Service on 400 African-American men between 1932 and 1972. The idea was to watch what happened as the disease progressed. Although treatments leading to the cure of syphilis were already known, the cure was denied to the subjects of the experiment and a hundred of them died. One has to wonder what other such mass, though undiscovered, experiments have been undertaken by governments across the world; the latest of course being the coercion, almost-enforced, injection of a novel foreign substance into the arms of Western populations – a supposed preventative and remedy for Covid (to the financial benefit of the manufacturers and their backers). (Foundations, like the Clintons’, are notorious for providing facilities for money laundering while maintaining secrecy for their contributors.)

So as much as we quite rightly abhor and condemn the evil experimentations of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, our governments apparently have no compunction in following in his footsteps. Mengele’s amateurish concentration-camp experiments on innocent adults and children were entirely worthless in medical terms, but they did, after the war, help provide us with the Nuremberg Code, which, among other requirements, insists that “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential,” which many feel was violated during the Covid fiasco. So, even in our day and age, successors to Josef Mengele still thrive and many of them work in government-sanctioned ‘germ’ warfare labs like Porton Down in the UK and the American-owned labs in Ukraine. Let’s hope they’re never let off the leash, if indeed they actually are on one.

All this indicates to me that the governments of the Five Eyes have come to believe that they have their populations in a virtual prison not unlike those CIA black-site cells, or the sorts of cells portrayed in films like The Manchurian Candidate or The Ipcress File, where the prisoner can be subjected to various forms of psychological conditioning. Fear of violence or harm can be a powerful motivator. Then there’s deception and propaganda: providing false information and manipulating perceptions can create confusion and doubt, and positive reinforcement: rewarding of desired responses can create a pattern of compliance. I am sure you can see some parallels between these ‘methods’ and those which are increasingly being used on citizens who apparently still believe that they live in a ‘free’ country.

As a Five Eyes member, it would be interesting to learn what New Zealand’s contribution to the Obama regime’s request for dirt on Donald Trump might have been when Trump was seeking election to the presidency of the US, and which interrogation and other techniques used by their foreign colleagues might have rubbed off. We know the UK responded with a completely made-up story about Trump and prostitutes in a hotel bed in Moscow. Of course, the UK’s spy guys insisted that the story’s author Christopher Steele didn’t work for them anymore.

It might be useful to consider who NZ’s intelligence-gathering operatives might be working with. An example of the total corruption of so-called allies in the United States might be the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Fifty-one one people from the American intelligence community signed a letter to newspapers stating the laptop story contained all the hallmarks of a “Russian Information Operation”. A number of the letter signers were CIA and ex-CIA, even some of its ex-directors.

All very interesting you might say, but what’s your point? My point is this, remember Saul Alinsky’s dictum – “accuse others of the dirty deeds that you’re doing yourself” – when the government accuses you of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’. You might realise that it’s them, their Five Eyes and their associated friends who are the real conspirators.
