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Your country needs you poster

Harry Palmer

Politicians, their associates and handlers can wield the power of life and death over citizens. Those in the UK and to a slightly lesser degree the USA are currently rattling their sabres;  warning that a war with Russia is on the horizon and that conscription of innocent youth should begin in anticipation. Innocent youths are slowly awakening to the fact that being white, heterosexual and normal is making them pariahs in the country their parents once proudly called their own, but which is being overrun by third-world immigrants who are usurping the country’s facilities. Invite the third world in, become the third world, is what the more enlightened say. So why fight for it? A very good question, especially as unassimilated foreigners who have been allowed, if not invited, in by politicians, are consumed more by their setting up their caliphate or ghetto of like minds than in allowing themselves to be conscripted by those living around them and who they consider to be their enemy.

It would be dumb of me to expect that NZ won’t follow Michael Joseph Savage’s advice that “where Britain goes, we go”, given NZ’s involvement in the “Five Eyes” intelligence community, but it is going to be interesting to see at what stage NZ chooses to start murmuring about possible conscription as well.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the latest of many by various parties over the millennia and which Russia would claim was for the purpose of protecting holdover citizens from the days not that long ago when Ukraine was a part of the USSR, would seem to be what provoked the ire of the West. The Russians could also claim, with some justification, that the invasion was in order to prevent NATO performing the warlike act of stationing ballistic missiles along the Ukraine’s border with Russia.

America and thus NATO, which it more or less owns, seems to have had an interest in the goings-on in Ukraine going back many years. One of those interests has apparently been in the operation of BSL-3 and possibly -4 biology laboratories where pathogens of use in biological warfare were/are being developed. BSL-4 is the highest rating and where dangerous hemorrhagic fever viruses can be cultivated. (Wallaceville in Upper Hutt is apparently NZ’s only BSL-3 lab.)

In addition, not long before the 2014 revolution in Ukraine, US officials openly criticised the government for its perceived corruption and authoritarian tendencies. The US also expressed support for protesters’ ‘rights’ to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression and provided significant financial and political support to Ukrainian civil society and opposition groups. Leaked phone conversations between US officials, including Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, indicated discussions about potential candidates for a post-Yanukovych Government, so take from all that what you will.

Yanukovych fled the Ukraine during the revolution in 2014 and the pro-West politician Petro Poroshenko, a former government minister and head of the council of the National Bank of Ukraine, was elected president in May of that year. A strange coincidence, perhaps, that in that same month Hunter Biden became a board member of Burisma Holdings Ltd, one of the biggest private oil and gas companies in Ukraine, for which, despite apparently knowing nothing about oil and gas, he was paid US$50,000 per month. Joe Biden later bragged on video that by threatening to withdraw the offer of a large sum of American funding to the country, he had got Ukraine’s prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin fired in 2016. Shokin had been threatening to investigate Burisma for corruption.

Then in April 2019, Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president in a landslide rebuke of Poroshenko and the status quo, which included a stagnating economy and a growing conflict with Russia which had employed digital attacks to shut down power plants in the Ukraine and cause other disruptions to public utilities. During his campaign Zelensky vowed to make peace with Russia and end the war in the Donbas area but appeared to not make much progress until US President Donald Trump briefly blocked US military aid to Ukraine and suggested Zelensky should cease the violence and work with Putin to resolve the crisis.

After President Trump was replaced by Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister of the UK, visited Zelensky in Kyiv in April 2022 and, apparently speaking on behalf of the countries of Europe, Britain and the USA (in other words NATO), told Zelensky to keep on fighting and that he would continue to be supplied with the war materials necessary. In addition to armaments including artillery and tanks, America has so far poured over one hundred billion dollars into Ukraine and the suspicion has grown that, with the advent of digital currencies, much of that amount has been transferred back into the offshore bank accounts of American Democrat Party politicians.

It seems to me that the corruption of Western society has become so deep and all-embracing, and its conspiratorial perpetrators so confident of achieving their final goal in the next few years, that they are now looking at clearing the field of remaining obstacles (the main one being Russia). So, as a warm up to the inevitable war with Russia, the squandering of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers’ lives so far is a cheap price to pay for the testing of the waters before the beginning of a major assault. It might not even get that far if Russia chooses to go all out from the start and make use of its nuclear armoury.

So this is the scenario into which the American-led NATO wishes to dispatch the conscripted troops of its member countries: to fight against the nuclear armed country of Russia.

All those politicians who are sat safely and securely in their guarded bunkers and suggesting to one another that ‘we are going to have to think about the coming war with Russia, and about conscripting the great unwashed to fill the ranks of our armies’ are power-crazed morons and we are in desperate need of them being disposed of, by whatever means are necessary, and as soon as possible in my view. A possible massive loss of life, dwarfing the total of all those lost in the wars of the 20th century combined, demands it.
