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ANGER as Race-Baiting Activists Prey on Grieving Family

If there’s one thing that’s inevitable about a tragedy these days, it’s the rush of vulturine activists, politicians and journalists to exploit it for their own, grubby ends. We are currently witnessing that, in Australia, as yet another mega-fire season strikes. But, on a much smaller scale, the death of an Aboriginal man in a police shooting is similarly luring the cockroaches of opportunism out from under their rocks.

In this case, the person concerned was a member of a high-profile Aboriginal family – who’ve been forced to beg the opportunistic maggots to lay off.

Activists inciting racial division and hatred have disrespected a grieving family’s wishes for calm and peace while investigations into the death of an Aboriginal man shot by police continue.

Jacinta Price has been forced onto social media to urge restraint from jumping to conclusions following the death of her nineteen-year-old nephew, Kumanjayi Walker, after a police shooting in the remote Indigenous community of Yuendumu, 293 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs last Saturday.

Showing precisely the sort of dignity and restraint in which race-baiting activists are utterly lacking, the family are asking for the matter to be settled by due process.

Speaking on behalf of the family she advised they were “waiting to understand the circumstances around his death.”

Warning against turning the incident into a witch hunt against police, Price explained, “People need to understand that his grandfather was a highly respected police officer when he was alive and his father’s brother is a police officer in the community of Yuendumu.”

At present, only the bare facts of the incident are known.

NT Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Michael White alleged an armed man had lunged at two officers who had attended a residence with an arrest warrant to apprehend him for breaching his parole conditions, stabbing one of them on the shoulder. One officer fired two or three shots.

But the (mostly white) activists are not interested in facts. Not when they can grand-stand for the cameras and signal their virtue to their activist chums.

Jacinta Price shared a live video from outside a Northern Territory police station on Sunday afternoon where shameless activists were exploiting the tragic incident to promote their political agenda and racist narrative, some smearing red paint over the station. Five police officers calmly blocked the entrance.

“You are kardiya [white], this is not your family, and you need to go away,” Jacinta told a person with blonde hair, white skin and painted red hands wearing an Aboriginal flag activist t-shirt […]“It’s not your family and you’ve got no shame,” Jacinta reiterated […]

Largely indistinct, angry screaming was the dominant response from the agitators […]

“We’re a grieving family and there’s no respect being shown for the fact that we would like to get to the bottom of this situation without division in our community being created.”

“They’re jumping on the bandwagon and using this situation for their own political means, and here we are, grieving in this situation and trying to get to the bottom of it,” she continued, visibly choking back tears.

“I’m sick of protesters in my community. Sick of protesters using Aboriginal people and our circumstances for their own political means

Meanwhile, the family and police are trying to get through the hard business of sorting out the whole mess.

Later, Jacinta Price reported an update on a public meeting her family had with Police back at the remote community of Yuendumu. Though the family expressed sadness and anger, the meeting was conducted respectfully. According to Price, the family is all of the understanding that an investigation is already underway and are working with police to put the pieces together.

Addressing Yuendumu residents, Acting Assistant Commissioner Travis Wurst explained body camera footage would be reviewed so the community would know the truth.

“We did not want this to happen,” he said.

Meanwhile, Price has posted screenshots of some of the vile, often racist, abuse she has received from the “compassionate” leftist protestors. It’s sickening stuff.


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