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Another Hollow Promise Broken by the Hollow Girl

Image credit The BFD.

Nicky Hager wrote a book about the National Party called The Hollow Men. The whispers around town are that he is going to follow that up with a sequel but focused solely on Jacinda Ardern and her many lies and broken promises. The working title is “The Hollow Girl”. From Stuff:

On November 28, 2017, less than six weeks after becoming Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern announced a national memorial to the 257 Erebus victims would be built within two years, in time for the disaster’s 40th anniversary.

“We have waited too long already,” Ardern said, promising “a place where all New Zealanders can come to pay their respects and remember this sad event”.


And we are still waiting. By November this year it will be two years overdue. This is yet another broken promise from a woman who promises a lot but delivers next to zero.

She’s big on slogans; not so big on actually following through.

She’s The Hollow Girl.

Image credit The BFD.

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