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Another New Invented Human Right

The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Reporting on a Lower Hutt charity delivering food parcels to the needy, the Stuff website quoted one of the well-meaning charity workers saying, “Access to kai is a basic human right.”

It’s no such thing, not the least because so-called human rights (not to be confused with legal rights) are a total fiction and simply a wish-list.

Taxpayers fork out millions annually maintaining the utterly bogus Human Rights Commission. It’s overdue for realism and a purge of nonsensical government agencies.

The only winners from this silliness are people like me who own the buildings they occupy. That includes the Human Rights Commission and the Race Relations office and many other equally nonsensical taxpayer funded entities. But don’t accuse me of hypocrisy. I’ve been retired for decades and learn of these lessees after the event.

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