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Apartheid Rebranded and Ready for the World

It’s not about fairness: it’s about control. 

Photo by Lieselot. Dalle / Unsplash

John Robertson
John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New Zealand 2.0: land of the long white cloud, kiwifruit, and apartheid. Oh, sorry, I mean co-governance. That’s the shiny, politically palatable term slapped on this grotesque social experiment where your rights depend on your bloodline, not your backbone. 

Once upon a time, Kiwis prided themselves on equality, unity, and fair play. But now? We’ve traded egalitarianism for a racial caste system that would make 1980s South Africa blush. The government’s genius idea? To divide a nation of five million into two camps: those with ancestral connections to a canoe and everyone else who has the misfortune of existing in the wrong lineage.

Let’s talk about co-governance: the sanctimonious euphemism for letting unelected elites hijack democracy under the guise of cultural respect. See, the Treaty of Waitangi – once a historical document that symbolized unity – has now been weaponized into a racial landmine. Under the co-governance regime, Māori representatives (many unelected, mind you) get a veto on policy decisions. The rest of us? We’re relegated to the kids’ table, told to shut up and ‘check our privilege’. 

And the audacity doesn’t stop there. Water rights, healthcare, education, and governance are being carved up like the last roast chicken at Christmas dinner – and if you’re not in the right group, tough luck. You might not even get the scraps. Apparently, equality isn’t trendy anymore; segregation is back in vogue, only this time it’s wrapped in a cloak of virtue-signalling righteousness. 

But hey, don’t worry, they say. This isn’t apartheid: it’s progress. Just ignore the fact that co-governance is predicated on the belief that certain citizens deserve more say because their ancestors arrived first. Forget that the vast majority of New Zealanders – Māori included – are being dragged along on this ideological joyride without consent. And definitely don’t mention the irony of preaching inclusivity while enshrining exclusion in law. 

The most laughable part? The woke brigade selling this dystopia actually believe it’s virtuous. They puff their chests and pat themselves on the back, smugly proclaiming their moral superiority. But scratch the surface, and you’ll find the same rotten core: identity politics masquerading as justice. It’s not about fairness: it’s about control. 

New Zealand, let’s call this what it is: racism with better PR. Co-governance isn’t about honouring the past or righting historical wrongs. It’s about manufacturing division, dismantling democracy, and pandering to a vocal minority at the expense of everyone else. 

So, here’s the deal: if you’re not pissed off yet, you should be. Because if this farce continues, the only thing co-governance will succeed in doing is tearing New Zealand apart.

This article was published by Breaking Views.


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