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Ardern Created the Harm in Social Harmony

socialist weasel David Fisher
David Fisher. Image credit The BFD.

Some time in the next day or so there will be an attack piece by propagandist for the regime David Fisher. For those who don’t know, David Fisher has an axe to grind with me and this site and he is hopelessly biased in everything he does. His attack piece will accuse this site, among others, of creating “social disharmony”.

This article will show you that we are not purveyors of social disharmony, nor do we peddle misinformation or disinformation. We simply seek the truth and provide information so that readers may be fully informed.

You should also note that David Fisher writes for an organisation that has seen its public trust and confidence plummet, according to the latest media survey from the AUT research centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy (JMAD).

JMAD Trust in News

Indeed, media, in general, are now distrusted more than they are trusted.

JMAD Trust in News

Bearing that in mind, you can understand why it is that David Fisher and his paymasters at the NZ Herald and within the regime want to undermine organisations like the BFD. We are hurting them and, so, just like in the past, the NZ Herald is front and centre in walloping competitors who are actually growing while they are shrinking – not just in reach, but in credibility.

They haven’t yet worked out that by being key members of the Government’s Team of $55 Million, they’ve sold their integrity for 55 million pieces of silver.

So they accuse us of what they’ve been doing: sowing disinformation and misinformation at the behest of propagandists and dressing it up as the ‘truth’.

A case in point is the utter silence on the tyrant Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern‘s own recent disinformation regarding the effectiveness of masks. Since you are here to learn all about disinformation, perhaps you might like to watch this video and ask yourself, is it us or the Herald and their paymasters who are engaging in disinformation?

David Fisher also loves the term ‘social disharmony’. It is unsurprising that both the regime and their media lickspittles love this term as it emanates from that bastion of democracy called China. It is a CCP concept and construct. Given the hand in glove relationship the NZ Herald has with the CCP, it is to be expected.

Apparently giving people both sides of the story is no longer called journalism. No, now it is called ‘growing social disharmony’.

But I ask you, is what we are exposing people to really contributing to the growth of social disharmony, or is what the Herald is doing, attacking competitors and pushing the regime’s lines, the real cause of social disharmony?

The Trust in Media survey leaves us in no doubt as to who is contributing the most to social disharmony:

JMAD Trust in News

If David Fisher wants to write about damage to social harmony, perhaps he can start with the people that created two classes of citizens, othered them from society, unlawfully restricted people’s movements, scrapped democracy from councils and implemented apartheid in our state institutions.

Originally tweeted by Philip Wilkinson (@DrPhilWilkinson) on 14 February, 2022 8:41 am.

Or perhaps the Prime Minister’s own disinformation regarding vaccines:

And her lies about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine:

The statistics now show that the vaccine not only hasn’t prevented the spread of the virus, but they also show its failure. Here again is what the Prime Minister said about the vaccines, just as a handy reminder:

And here are the latest statistics for cases:


And the Seven Day Rolling average, which now shows that the vaccinated/boostered account for 76% of new cases, while the unvaccinated account for just 4%. Or that the vaccinated/boostered account for 77% of hospitalisations, but the unvaccinated account for just 11%.

The evidence is overwhelming that the only people sowing the seeds of distrust in society and upending social cohesion and harmony are the tyrant Jacinda Ardern and her media lickspittles.

Given all that you have read in just this one post, I ask you just who is it that is spreading disinformation?

Is it us or the NZ Herald and David Fisher?

If you trust us then cancel your subscription to the NZ Herald and join us here at the BFD. If it is them, then I hope you’ve at least had your eyes opened.

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