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Ardern Government Demands More Coal Be Urgently Burnt at Huntly

Image credit The BFD.

Megan Woods is upset. She’s stamping her feet, really very hard. Seismic detection equipment has registered small earthquakes as a result.

The Government says a market failure and “commercial decisions” were to blame for Monday night’s power blackouts.

Energy Minister Megan Woods gave assurances that such blackouts would not happen again on Tuesday night.

Woods pointed the finger at Genesis Energy, the owner of the Huntly power station, which did not turn on its third coal/gas boiler as it did not expect it would be needed. This was despite Transpower forecasting huge demand early on Monday morning as it was set to be one of the coldest nights of the year.

She also said Transpower, which operates the national grid, had taken about twice as much power out of the system as was actually needed [sic]

Woods wrote to power generators on Tuesday morning demanding answers and assurances there would be enough power by 2pm on Tuesday, as Huntly had not been operating at full capacity and the cable linking the North and South islands had been operating at half-capacity.


The seven most hilarious words in NZ politics are, “don’t worry, Megan Woods is on it”.

This Government destroyed the oil and gas industry of New Zealand on a Captain’s Call from Jacinda Ardern. Then they declared a climate emergency, and to cap off the clown politics, we’ve seen coal imports rapidly expand.

To make this all utterly ridiculous, from a party that has drunk the Koolaid on climate change, they are now demanding that Huntly power station burns even more coal!

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had said it was “not good enough” that people couldn’t heat their homes.


Well, Jacinda Ardern’s government has legislated pretty much every type of heating device out of existence, other than electric heating. Now that decision has left many people literally out in the cold.

On top of that, they’ve pushed for a huge uptake in electric vehicles. Even Blind Freddy can see that with constrained power supplies and a maxed-out Cook Strait cable that this is a recipe for more brownouts or blackouts.

The winter of discontent has just become a howling gale of outrage.

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