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Stuff, yesterday morning, congratulated us all on getting through and advised us, for posterity, “It may pay to jot down a few notes – send yourself an email…because memory fades.” It certainly does, especially when left-wash is happening right in front of our eyes. They are rewriting everything ‘Dear Leader’ Jacinda Ardern has done as bold and correct. They are rewriting everything conservative leaders have done, whether it’s Johnson, Trump, Morrison or Bridges, as short-sighted, capricious and stupid, whether or not they made the same moves as Ardern, when in fact they pre-empted her in almost every single act and instance.

My thoughts made clear already in several notes, have been the constant eerie parallels with ‘Nineteen Eighty Four: A Novel”, written over sixty years ago.

Here’s another:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted,…and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

Right on cue today, from Stuff, another disgraceful display of outright propaganda:

I’m not a huge fan of Mr Bridges, I believe he can do a lot better, but I’d like to quote him:

“I suggest that, actually, if we don’t see harm in New Zealand, it will be much more by good luck than by good management and good practice by the Government. I regret to say I don’t believe the Minister of Health is leading on this issue in any way, shape, or form. He waited for the first Cabinet to make preliminary decisions on this matter when a week earlier than that, decisions should have been made on this incredibly significant issue. I believe we must be more proactive, more precautionary, in the way we handle this issue of coronavirus. The Minister said that the Government, the Ministry of Health, has been measured. I regret to say I think what he really means is “laid-back”. Kiwis are laid-back, but on an issue like this, that is not good enough.”
February 12th, 2020

Every single word of what Mr Bridges said is correct – and slightly prophetic because Mr Bridges’ words are not from hindsight, they are from February 12th, 2020.

It would take almost five weeks (an aeon in virological terms) for ‘Jacinda Van Winkle’ Ardern to finally wake herself up. The propagandists for Ardern acknowledged her lackadaisical, sit-on-hands approach. They used words very similar to those of Mr Bridges but (no surprises there) tried to spin her bumbling, indecisive ‘strategy’ as a leadership quality instead of the grave error it was. Fully one month after Bridges made his remarks in Parliament they said the following:

“The Government’s handling of Coronavirus has improved markedly this week, and the continued low-key approach has been in keeping with the national character.”
Stuff  March 12, 2020

Hard? Nope. Early? Yes – definitely. When it was her turn to pull an all-nighter for the country’s good, Ardern chose instead to turn off the lights and get into bed, both early. And that, for those taking notes, is the only type of ‘Early’ she embraced.

Write a record indeed, because the propaganda ‘is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which Ardern is always right.’

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