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Ardern Is the Grinch Who Stole Christmas

Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD

The government, via Chris Hipkins and Jacinda Ardern, are softening Auckland up for a hard lockdown over summer, with people only allowed to leave the city with the express permission of government officials:

Covid Minister Chris Hipkins told Checkpoint the government is considering the option that Aucklanders have an allocated time slot to leave the region over the summer holidays.

The measure would reduce the risk of queues of traffic at the boundary checkpoints, as vaccination certificates are checked.

Radio NZ

That statement was backed up by the tyrant Prime Minister:

Auckland’s hard border will stay in place over summer with only double vaxxed people allowed to escape the locked down city, according to the Prime Minister.

As Christmas and the much looked forward to summer holiday period is fast approaching, people around the country are wondering whether they will be able to reconnect after many months of restrictions.

Jacinda Ardern told ZM’s Fletch, Vaughan and Meghan this morning that the Government was still working through the logistics of enabling Aucklanders to leave the city and visit friends and family for Christmas and over summer – but it would only apply to those who were double jabbed and had returned a negative Covid-19 test.

NZ Herald

You all thought I was being satirical by suggesting that Aucklanders were living in a gulag. Satire has the bad habit of becoming reality.

Make no mistake Aucklanders, you ARE living in a gulag. You are being treated differently from the rest of the country and the un-vaccinated are being scapegoated by an increasingly fascist government, led by Jacinda Ardern and enforced by her jackbooted friends in the Police.

Jacinda Ardern really is the Grinch who is stealing YOUR Christmas, except she is wearing a dictator’s smock.

Now they are micro managing when you can go on holiday. Is there any limit to their absurdity? Even the Taliban allow travel.

Surely she won’t set foot in Auckland with all this madness. Or does she think she is a protected species?

There won’t be enough rotten tomatoes in Auckland for the rush on the market when we discover when the tyrant will be visiting the Gulag.

This government and Jacinda Ardern in particular, are the Grinch who is stealing your Christmas.

Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD

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