Jacinda Ardern’s Climate Change Explainer Editor
The recent Climate Leaders Summit organised and hosted by our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern was met with worldwide acclaim.
President Joe Biden acknowledged her as one of the world’s great thinkers and said she was leading the universe’s fight against CO2 from her position down under.
President Xi Jinping praised her wisdom and said she was a great listener, also saying, everyone in the western world should follow her example.
In her special no expense spared Tik Tok video Jacinda Ardern called for the developed world to follow Aotearoa’s lead and burn imported coal to generate electricity.
“Close down your own coal mines and oil and gas fields,” she said, “then import, import, import – preferably from China or one of their vassal states.”
“Mitigate your CO2 emissions by taxes such as carbon credits, paid with freshly printed money”.
“It works for me”, she said.

Nania Mahuta Explainer Editor:
A twitter storm has erupted over over the Foreign Minister’s dismissive attitude to Aotearoa’s allies.
Spectacle wearing woke folk have been triggered by her unfeeling use of derogatory language – four eyes.
@pinkhairedbinky tweeted: It brought back horrific memories of being teased as a child for wearing glasses. I had only just left my safe space and this happened.
@notbeergoogles tweeted: Just when it was safe to go out on the street after years of therapy I have a minister of the crown cruelly mocking me with her hurtful language.
There were however defenders of Mahuta.
Labour’s official embedded columnist @heraldauntyaudrey weighed in with: It’s a massive over reaction. I wear glasses that look like old milk bottle bottoms and I wasn’t offended.
World famous political influencer and Labour consultant @notapaidlabourtroll with two million likes from India commented: this contrived over-reaction gives off the stench of extreme, far right goose stepping white supremacists – manipulated by the dead hand of Donald Trump.
Jacinda Ardern released a statement saying she had talked to her good friend, Xi, the president of one of the largest glasses-wearing nations in the world and he complimented her on her good judgement – so there.
SIS Information Editor:
A recent SIS document released under the official information act showed the spy organisation had once again shifted its focus. Previously it was 50/50 on faith-based extremists (Islamic?) and White supremacists.
They have found only about half a dozen fantasist/white supremacists who need monitoring, so they have time to spare.
They have switched their resources to monitoring larger more extreme as yet un-named groups who are fomenting rampant fear, societal breakdown and financial devastation.
When contacted by TWE and asked if the SIS were referring to the extreme left, that is: government paid media, universities, Maori radicals and even the present Labour government with its covid terror, marxism and He Puapua Tribal-Republic push – the SIS spokesperson said “no comment”.
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