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Ardern’s Legacy – A Ruined New Zealand

closed sign COVID-19 covid

With the latest lockdown, Jacinda Ardern is effectively holding this country and therefore its people to ransom. She is holding businesses and livelihoods to ransom. She is holding the economy to ransom. She is, by her actions, pretty much holding the share market to ransom.

None of this bothers Ardern because she has no understanding of it. I’m sorry but wrapping takeaways doesn’t count as being in business. All she understands is sickening slogans like the “team of five million” and “be kind”. When is this woman going to grow up and start treating us like adults?

The announcement on Tuesday night was the usual pathetic theatrical performance. She arrived ten minutes late to ensure a grand entry with her frowny face. She then babbled for five minutes about nothing we didn’t already know before handing over to the equally pathetic Ashley Bloomfield who started off in his usual politically correct manner by saying a few words in a language most of us do not understand.

He then rattled off a whole lot of facts and figures designed to highlight the seriousness of the situation. Madam then returned with more verbal diarrhoea before finally telling us what Barry Soper had told ZB listeners ten minutes earlier. The whole production smacked of an attempt at drama by children at a daycare centre.

It’s time Ardern and her bunch of incompetents realised that the seriousness of the situation is not Covid but the lockdown itself. This is once again doing untold damage to businesses large and small.

It’s unfortunate she has a Minister of Finance who has no more idea about business than she does. They are both political junkies who haven’t lived a day in the real world. Robertson can blab on about the wonderful economy all he likes but it’s based on money he’s either borrowed or printed. There are consequences for that but like every other decision they make, consequences don’t seem to matter.

I would like to ask some questions, not just of Ardern, but all politicians. Are you all supportive of a policy of elimination of Covid? If so, how long in terms of years, do you intend to keep the lockdowns going? How can we possibly open the borders under this scenario? Are you looking at years before we welcome tourists again? How long are we going to keep borrowing and printing money? When are you going to face up to the crunch question: Covid can’t be eliminated so how are we going to learn to live with it? As, by the way, other governments around the world are doing.

The damage this government is doing to the economy is complemented by the damage the class of 69 are doing in implementing their dangerous racist and social agendas. I get the impression that the likes of Willie Jackson and his bunch of lookalike muppets think we are all a bit thick, that we can’t see what the game is.

It is very clear who the racists are and they happen to be in the minority. The quicker they get their heads around that the better we will all be. The quicker they realise things like water, air, radio waves and a bunch of other things that came after them are owned by everybody, the better off we will be.

The Maori activists are quite particular about what they would like to own. It’s mainly anything that has money attached to it. By contrast, they’re not so keen to own what went on in this country prior to 1840. The new blatantly racist history curriculum commences with the Treaty of Waitangi and colonisation for which they should be forever grateful. But no, in the activist Maori world, colonisation was bad and the Treaty of Waitangi appears to be the conduit by which they are able to run and rule everything they wish. Ardern, instead of aiding and abetting this apartheid nonsense, should be putting a stop to it.

The Three Waters, unelected Maori sitting on Councils, separate health facilities and goodness knows what else, ownership of whatever they think is rightfully theirs is not the way to a harmonious society in New Zealand. It will turn out to be the exact opposite. We will be like South Africa was when the Minto’s of this world protested so vehemently against it. Where is he now? Evidently, it’s not okay in South Africa but all hunky-dory here.

The racist road we are on has parallels with the religious road in Afghanistan where the terrorist minority and their views get to rule the majority. What is happening in New Zealand is a form of ‘racist creep’ condoned by this government.

The same applies to the type of social legislation being pushed through. Much of it is dangerous and is designed to weaken the influence parents have over their children. Parents need to keep a close eye on what is going on and, as is happening in America, actively object to what is being included in the school curriculum.

A lot of what is being brought in is designed to specifically drive a wedge between parents and their children. The idea is for the government to take away as much parental control and responsibility as possible. An example is some schools telling parents they would prefer their child not to bring lunch to school as there is a perfectly healthy one provided.

Jacinda Ardern and her UN driven Marxist agenda has New Zealand on a path that will not end well. The economy will be in a downward spiral, the Maori activists will have the country on a racist trajectory and children will be being brainwashed at school with information on matters that should be dealt with at home.

This is not the New Zealand most of us would like to live in. A beautiful country with people living harmoniously together is being ruined by 69 useless Labour individuals, with ten insane Green nutters barking from the sidelines, led by one Jacinda Ardern.

A ruined New Zealand will be her legacy.

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