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Are the C-19 Mandates Still Legal in New Zealand?

framed eyeglasses on top open book
Photo credit: Dariusz Sankowski

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS)

On the day that Justice Cooke upheld the legality of the mandates for healthcare workers and teachers, we bring you information that few in New Zealand know about the governments obligations to its citizens. The failure to end the mandates after 22 February 2022, means the Ardern Government is in breach of its obligations with regard to two legal agreements.

New Zealand is a country that is based on two legal documents that are internationally recognised:

  1. He Whakaputanga 1835: The Declaration of Independence
  2. Te Tiriti O Waitangi 1840: Treaty of Waitangi

Article 3 of the Treaty of Waitangi states that Maori are to be given the same rights as English citizens.

Article 4 of the Declaration of Independence states that Maori have undertaken to extend protection to every English subject living in New Zealand.

Implications of the Mandates Being Dropped in England

As of the 22 February 2022 the New Zealand government should have lifted all Covid-19 restrictions and mandates in this country too. Having failed to do so means that the Ardern Government is in breach of its obligations with regard to these two legal agreements. It is the authorities who are spreading misinformation, trying to keep the population afraid and uninformed.

NZDSOS will continue to bring you information the government does not want you to see.
