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There is no quiz in today’s weekend quiz slot because we have been unable so far to find a volunteer to take it over. It is time to hand the torch over to another volunteer. Could that volunteer be you?

You can fill this quiz time slot with a quiz on any topic that is dear to your heart. Whatever floats your boat really because if it is of interest to you I can guarantee it will be of interest to some members of The BFD community.

We also need a volunteer to fill the Saturday 11am NZ News quiz. That position requires the quiz maker to base the quiz questions on the news topics covered on  The BFD that week. The quiz needs to be 10-15 questions long.

Full training on how to make a quiz on Apester will be provided by the other Quiz makers on the team.

If you are already an avid reader of The BFD then this is the perfect small hobby for you as you will be able to whip it up in no time at all. Best of all you get to be WORLD famous in NZ as you can have your own author profile appear under every post unless you are shy in which case we will label your quiz BFD Staff.

If you would like to make a quiz of 10-15 questions in length for us once a week please make contact today.

Please make contact today.

sb at


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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