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Are You Giving up on Our Country?

New Zealanders must recognise the danger and act before it’s too late. It’s well past time for us all to speak up for our common humanity and our right to have a say in how we are governed.

Photo by Denise Jans / Unsplash

Geoff Parker

The biggest advantage Māori separatists and the collusive New Zealand Government have is the apathy, ignorance and tolerance of New Zealanders. The absurdity is that we taxpayers are actually footing the bill for the overthrow of our own country.

A small but determined group of elite Māori leaders are quietly winning the battle for control of New Zealand. Their success has been driven by:

* Unified leadership with a clear goal: full control of our nation.

* Strong oratory and persuasive skills used to manipulate language to their advantage.

* Aggressive tactics and strategic bravery.

* Mastery of social media and public influence.

With the help of political ideologues, misguided do-gooders and public funds, the separatists have managed to:

* Deceive politicians, public servants and the uninformed public with distorted interpretations of the Treaty and history.

* Secure controlling positions in all levels of government, public services, education, media and the justice system.

* Exploit loose legislation (such as the RMA and Marine and Coastal Area Acts) and an activist judiciary to gain control over DOC lands, the foreshore and seabed, as well as infrastructure and development approvals. They use the threat of activism and vetoes to ensure money flows their way.

* Invent a new Māori language and normalise it, suggesting that Māori developed every beautiful saying and emotion.

* Rename government departments, public infrastructure, cities, towns and even our country.

* Establish networks, including 773 marae across the country.

* Spread their influence through symbols of ownership, such as pouwhenua (Māori totem poles) and misleading plaques.

The elitists excel at playing the victim, despite being on high public salaries and contracts. They have taken advantage of falling education standards, an inability to think critically and a pervasive WOKE ideology to undermine our democratic foundation, use media to normalise the Māori language and push a revisionist narrative. Most importantly, they are active: rallying their naïve supporters to the streets whenever needed to further their agenda.


New Zealanders must recognise the danger and act before it’s too late.

It’s well past time for us all to speak up for our common humanity and our right to have a say in how we are governed.

We must defend our democracy, our way of life and our living standards.

If we keep sitting back and hoping for the best, it will inevitably end badly. As Winston Churchill warned, “YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT, AND BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALLOWED THE ENEMY TO GROW SO STRONG, YOU MAY VERY WELL LOSE.”
