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photo credit: MONIQUE FORD

Sir Bob Jones

I never imagined I would be in favour of arming the Police but when situations change, so too must one’s opinion.

We’re told a significant majority of police officers are in favour of being armed, hardly surprising given a quarter of the force have experienced confrontations with armed offenders.

The current situation goes beyond officers being killed, rather far too many are being injured, often seriously, in confrontations with mobs.

Australian police all carry visible pistols yet we do not read of suspect police gun use incidents, as is commonplace in America.

We have a shortage of police officers resulting in constant complaints of delayed responses to criminal activity and despite heavy recruitment advertising.

Probably the typical policeman is a family man. How many one can only speculate are under wifely pressure to quit on safety grounds.

The major culprits are the Maori gangs, all now seemingly armed. Mostly they shoot one another which no one is unhappy about but there are far too many incidents involving their attacks on innocents.

Polls show the public are against arming the police, thus a poll-driven government will not act. But I suspect that view will change as the current violence crime wave continues to grow.

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