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Sir Bob Jones

A week ago I wrote its time to arm the police, an attitude inconceivable to me up until the last half dozen years.

Well talk of the devil, two days later the New Zealand Herald came out with a polling survey I was unaware they had commissioned, which showed a significant majority of New Zealanders now backed such a move, as do nearly 75% of the police.

Police Minister Poto Williams protested that this would heavily affect the Pacific and Maori community. Well of course it would if they’re the principal offenders, which they are. Perhaps they should be given immunity from parking tickets on that “logic”, if they were shown to be the main offenders.

Labour and National ducked for cover and opposed this, without giving reasons and therein presented an excellent opportunity for David Seymour to speak out and align ACT with the public opinion. The current situation is alarming. Over the last 18 months police officers have found themselves facing guns an astonishing five times each day, that’s nearly 2,000 times.

Nowhere else in the world would this be tolerated.

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