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Auckland Crime Escalates as Police Busy at Border

The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Leader

A crime wave across Auckland is taking place as violent criminals feel empowered by the knowledge Police are busy at the border.

Last night in Mount Eden a dairy that was raided recently was targeted again, along with the liquor store next door. One Police officer showed up. He told the owner there were no other officers available to join him. He asked a member of the public to look through the shop with him in case the offenders were still there.

I have spoken to another dairy owner who was bashed with a tyre iron. There have also been reports of muggings and bashings in Newmarket.

According to Written Parliamentary Questions, 271 Police have been assigned to the Auckland border. Violent criminals know that with Police off the beat they can carry out offences with less chance of being caught.

The Government needs to answer why it has taken Police off the beat to stand at checkpoints. People in my community feel unsafe and lives are being put at risk.

The Auckland border doesn’t open until December 15. The Government urgently needs to prioritise this rise in crime and ensure our communities are safe.

David Seymour will hold a stand up at Stop-N-Save Superette, 413 Mt Eden Rd, 12 pm.

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