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Audio: Andrew Geddis Thinks Police Gun Raid Could Be On Shaky Ground

The BFD. Photo supplied.

Questions have been raised about the legality of how the police obtained the information they used for a search warrant when they raided the family home of BFD author Dieuwe de Boer with approximately twelve armed officers.

In the audio below, University of Otago Law Professor Andrew Geddis explains the “legal problems” to Radio NZ host Leigh-Marama McLachlan.

Armed police searched Dieuwe de Boer’s house this week, on a suspicion he had a prohibited magazine for a firearm – which they did not find.
Mr de Boer had made a written submission to a parliamentary committee, including details about the magazine, which he republished on his blog.
If the Police used details from the submission to get a search warrant, they could be breaking the law – but they deny doing so.

