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Reduxx mag has been censored for reporting the truth. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The biggest lie of the trans creepers is that they face a “genocide” of violence. The second-biggest lie is that they are a powerless, persecuted, helpless minority. While they are indeed a minority — less than a tenth of a per cent of the population — they enjoy ludicrously outsized power, presence and influence.

Trannies are feted and promoted by politicians, media, and multi-billion-dollar corporations. They are protected by police who stand idly by as demented trans lynch mobs scream abuse at and assault women. They are coddled by institutions that run a veritable protection racket that silences and punishes women, while men in dresses slither into their change rooms and onto their sports fields.

All through this assault by misogynists-in-drag, women are told to shut up and take it. When women are raped by tranny predators, authorities deny that it happened because there was, supposedly, no “man” present. When women are relegated to mere “birthing persons”, they are bullied and vilified if they object.

And when women get beaten to a pulp by men on the sports fields, authorities lie through their teeth and cover it all up harder than a bishop moving on a kiddy-fiddling priest.

An Australian amateur football league is receiving backlash from parents and players who are voicing frustrations after learning that a man who identifies as a woman has been dominating the female soccer league and injuring female players.

Who is this man? If the sports authorities and mainstream media had their way, you’d never know.

Initial reports from The Daily Mail Australia had chosen not to identify the player, censoring images of him and declining to provide his name. However, Reduxx can confirm the player is trans activist YouTuber Riley J. Dennis.

Dennis has quite a history.

Riley Dennis was a popular trans activist YouTuber who has 113,000 subscribers. He has since stopped creating content but, during the height of his internet career, he received backlash for a controversial video in which he called “genital preferences” transphobic.

In other words, according to this man, if lesbian women decline to have sex with trannies — men, that is, with penises — they are “transphobes”. How is this not coercion? There’s a word for forcing unwilling women to have sex with men. Starts with “r”.

Just the sort of bloke you’d want sharing a locker room with your daughter.

It has been alleged that Dennis, 30, who reportedly plays for Inter Lions FC, injured women from an opposing side in a match last weekend. Reports that a female player had to seek hospital attention as a result of her injury are as of yet unconfirmed.

To be fair to the Mail, they’re probably terrified of being punished if they tell the truth.

But how does that excuse sporting bosses conspiring to keep their little trans secret from the public eye?

Football NSW appears to have scrubbed Dennis from their website, replacing his name with “Inter Player,” due to the backlash they have received, but screenshots from the past iterations of the site exist, showing where Dennis was clearly anonymized


Now, Australia’s unelected censors are getting in on the act. Feminist media site, Reduxx, which broke the story, is being subjected to a campaign of silencing and threats.

On April 28, Reduxx received a notice from the eSafety Commissioner of Australia advising us to heavily censor or delete an article we had published on April 1.

Yet, all Reduxx did was publish the sort of information you’d read in the sporting pages of local papers every day.

In addition to demanding we remove or censor the article, the eSafety Commissioner advised Twitter that we had broken Australian law. Twitter then informed us the content would be withheld in Australia.

After a comprehensive analysis of the compelling arguments presented by the eSafety Commissioner, including that it was “offensive” to have called Riley Dennis a “man,” Reduxx has decided to leave the article up without alteration.


Note how this auto da fe has been executed without the merest shred of process. As Reduxx note, the eSafety Commissioner never even identified the law they claim the website broke. Nor was Reduxx subject to any kind of legal process.

An unelected, unaccountable state censor has simply ruled by fiat what the Australian public is allowed to know.
