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Australian Apartheid Push Rolls On

Indigenous Voice: Too many unanswered questions. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One of the reasons the left’s Long March has been such a stunning success is their sheer persistence. Like spoiled toddlers, the left will simply not take “no” for an answer. So, they pester, badger and brow-beat until everyone else throws up their hands in frustration and says, “Fine! If we give you this, will you just shut up, now?”

(The endless mistake the rest of us keep making is thinking that the left will ever be satisfied, instead of realising that every concession only encourages them to demand more.)

The latest leftist vanity is to impose a Woke Apartheid on Australia. Like He Puapua in New Zealand — oops, “Aotearoa” — the “Indigenous Voice” is a proposal to embed racial separatism at the most fundamental level of Australian law. Despite the fact that opinion polling shows clearly that the idea will be defeated at a referendum, the foot-stamping toddlers of the left refuse to give up.

One of the champions of constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians says “the door remains open” for a referendum on the voice.

Mark Leibler, a senior partner at law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler who co-chaired both the expert panel and the Referendum Council on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ­Islander Australians, has previously described the proposal for a voice in the Constitution as a far more modest, reasonable and achievable option than any other that has emerged over the past decade.

By which they really mean that, just like He Puapua and Three Waters, they’ve successfully obscured what they’re really after. Hiding the reality of altering the Constitution to specifically favour a single race, the proponents dress it up in fluffy, obscuring language about “recognition”.

In fact, what Australians really want is all references to “race” expunged from the Constitution.

Instead, what the deceitful left are trying to foist on Australia is a Constitution that fundamentally divides the nation’s citizens on the basis of race.

Which is what is called “Apartheid”.

The Morrison government has accepted and published the final voice report, overseen by Professors Langton and Calma after two years of work and public consultations. The report recommends the formation of 35 local and regional voice groups as a foundation for the national voice that will ultimately provide non-binding advice to government and parliament.

How can it possibly be Constitutional law and “non-binding” at the same time? Does anyone really believe that this insane proposal won’t turn into a lawyer’s picnic of racial opportunists?

“Ultimately, we all want the same thing – for the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to be heard and respected,” Mr Leibler said.

The Australian

They are, in exactly the same way as every other Australian: at the ballot box.

Anything else is the sort of revolting racial separatism we thought we’d left behind in the 1960s.


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