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Australian Media Fail to Sing from the Same Songsheet

disgraceful kind grossly incompetent

Oh, dear. The prattlers at “Cindyhub” are in all a-dither since someone described our prime minister as “a grossly incompetent administrator”, which she is, by any measure.


Rather than rely on reason to rebut scribbler Mr Rozner’s opinion, they simply reproduced a couple of emotional rants and abuse which have been directed towards the fellow for pointing out the obvious, that’s apparently what ‘news’ has become at the sub-standard outfit.

“Labour came into government promising to drive down carbon emissions, homelessness and child-poverty; all three have risen.”

That’s a fact; right there. ‘Never mind’, says “Cindyhub”, ‘let’s have a tantrum’.


Some public spirited soul posted a (readable) shot of the article so interested party’s can bypass evil Mr Murdoch’s paywall:

Boy: the truth hurts innit.

The BFD. Photo supplied.

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