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Australian Readers React to Ardern’s Aussie Rant

“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the brainless squawking of this feathered pest.” The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

BFD readers have had to endure some of Australasia’s most nauseating eructations of left-media flatulence in recent years, as the luvvies on both sides of the Tasman eagerly line up to swoon at the feet of their Socialist Barbie. Some of the worst fawning has been from here on the Big Island to the west.

As I’ve written many times, the biggest problem is that not only are the Australian media mostly starry-eyed socialist fanbois (look how many of them signed a glowing fan-letter to Hugo Chavez), they’re also supremely ignorant. Literally all they know about Jacinda Ardern is that she had a baby, parrots all the right-on things about globalism and put on a hijab and hugged people. Anyone else, from Kiwibuild, to gun confiscation, sexual assault scandals, child poverty, Ihumatao…well, you might as well be talking Swahili to them.

Fortunately, it seems that many ordinary Australians have a little bit more nous. In the wake of Ardern’s undiplomatic grandstanding during her recent visit here, the Australian has compiled some of their readers’ responses.

[Reader Chris]:

“Ardern is a lightweight. She is mostly fluff and very little substance. Morrison is right to just stand back and let her carry on — she will be gone soon enough.”

Kaboodleschnitzer kvetched:

“Jacinda is becoming a laughing stock in NZ, she’s being seen for the hypocrite that she is. She wasn’t elected PM, she was appointed by Peters. Now she can’t stand him down.”

As it turns out, mere readers are a lot more clued-in about Ardern than their “betters” in the media.

[Reader Berwin]:

“Jacinda Ardern, the past President of International Socialist Youth, a front for the Communist Party International, a position she has boasted about in promoting herself on the international stage. She is acting out the socialist script word for word, action by action. In insulting foreign nations she is inflicting collateral damage on her own country. NZ voters beware.”

Readers were also quick to spot the glaring fallacy at the heart of Ardern’s whinge, which apparently escaped the notice of the university-educated types of the media.

Toby’s mum mused:

“ ‘ … that this was a case of ‘Australians being deported to New Zealand’. No, they are not Australians, they were neither born here nor became Australian citizens, so we can quite legally deport them from whence they came. I am sure that Jacinda fully knows it, but being the bully she seems to be she tried it on.

“But ScoMo, being the gentleman he is and also due to his hands being tied with the feminists calling out mansplaining and misogyny if he did, rightly kept his counsel. Full marks to ScoMo, zero to Ardern, she’s no diplomat!”

Kiwi readers were not exactly inclined to view the deportation of Kiwi-born crims as “corrosive”, either.


“As a New Zealander I am totally embarrassed at Ms Ardern’s rudeness to Scott Morrison in his own country. If she thinks this is going to get her votes in the upcoming election she will be in for a shock. The vast majority of my countrymen and women are disgusted with the behaviour of those deportees and have no sympathy for them.”

David declared:

“As a dual citizen I like many NZers are not fooled by the NZ PM. She only got to be PM by doing a deal with the Left (think Di Natale) and the Right (think Hansen). She might be the darling globally but not so in my home country[…]

Other Australian readers and BFD readers alike have pointed out that Ardern’s trans-Tasman tantrums may have some unintended consequences.


“Their borders leak like a sieve and their citizenship threshold is low, so a lot of improper persons use NZ as a creaky back door to their ultimate desired country of residence; Australia. The relationship has long been grossly one sided. Enough, make them apply for visas and citizenship like everyone else has to, and that will reduce the influx of Kiwis and ipso facto, the deportation of criminals back to NZ.”

As several BFD readers have pointed out, if Ardern and her COL cronies keep up their carry-on, Australia may be tempted to curtail special trans-Tasman visa privileges. Which would be a pain in the bum for Australians, but far more devastating to New Zealand.

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